Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nepal two 17 days free line (luxury)

(Yak and Yeti)


(Temple Tiger)




10/1 night flight from Shanghai, Chengdu.

10/2 took off early in the morning, with stops in Chengdu to Lhasa, flying over Everest, noon to all.

Live Dwarika ' s Hotel.

Afternoon visit Pashupathi Temple (cremation Temple)/Bodhnath large stupa

10/3 wandering in the morning, visit the hotel Dwarika, noon-> Bhaktapur, tour of the ancient city live Newa GH

10/4 Changu Narayan am-> back to Bhaktapur after lunch at noon-> Nagakot live club Himalaya

10/5 am Nagakot view tower at noon-> plus live Fuji guest house Tour plus are the ancient city, du bus Plaza

10/6 and all – > living Hotel Barahi, bokhara

10/7 arrangements after a few days, the Lake, boating

10/8 gliding, lakeside reading lounge

10/9 to start Hiking places in Hille

10/10 Hiking in hostel Ghorapani

10/11 poon hill – in Hiking > hostel Tikedunga

10/12 at noon – > Hiking ends, live Fishtail rest l

10/13 Fishtail rest

10/14, l – > Chitwan, live Tiger Temple, elephant riding

10/15 elephant riding, training like performance, jungle trekking

10/16 Chitwan – > plus live Yak & Yeti

10/17 tour of the ancient city of Patan, plus all du bus Plaza, monkey Temple

10/18 plus all – > Chengdu – > Shanghai

Gonglue part see "08.10 Nepal free line Raiders (luxury edition)"

Detailed process

10/1 night shift aircraft flying in Chengdu.

23 points to, airport hotel, the so-called 2-star hotel is the entire trip most dirty and even than Nepal mountain inns are dirty. Fortunately, very close to airport and free shuttle

10/2 5: 30 by hotel shuttle bus, 7: 30.

Fly over the magnificent desolation 9 points in the Tibetan plateau to Lhasa. In Lhasa to bring baggage from the plane, go through the customs formalities and boarding boarding again; is the same aircraft and seat. So in Chengdu airport should requirements depend on the starboard side of the window seat. No mention of checked baggage. Lhasa is the frontier of armed police officer the most pleasant of government staff, check the passports are very polite and you chat, the last also wish you to have fun. 10 points or so taken off again. First along the Himalayan mountains north of the flight, from the left side of the window you can see a succession of snowy mountains East of Everest, when close to Everest will turn left at the aircraft, with the eastern side of the crossing the mountain range of Everest to enter the territory of Nepal. Then from the starboard side can very clearly see Everest from the side of the wing. Now we know what is centered, realize the world first peak of majestic, feeling very shocked. At the same time, the pilot will be broadcast to inform passengers of the plane is flying over Everest. Cabin all to starboard, the plane clearly inclined. Droop right wing as a tribute to Everest.

The Everest can pack ready for landing.

The plane circled in the valleys. 11 point landing plus all airport. Local time is later than Beijing time 2 hours 15 minutes, so is around 13: 15 in the afternoon. In airport changers for Nepal rupees

Dwarika ' s hotels arranged at the airport, is close to the hotel from the airport, the gate is very low key.

Simple and comfortable lobby, incense is very pleasing, alcoholic welcome drinks taste good.

Settled after the taxi to pashupathinath Temple.

The temple is not far away from the hotel, less than 5 minutes by car, you can actually walk. When we went to several funeral is held at the same time, and that the different stages in the ceremony. So lucky in a very short time to understand the entire process. Temple in only a few places open to non-Catholics to India. Strange is that many children in the cremation platform edges of muddy water in play, the close proximity of the burning fire and body on the steps don't care, but around the relatives of the deceased obviously did not find these bare ass play playing children to disturb the solemn funeral. Incineration of ashes and the funeral cover the corpse flowers together sprinkle into the River, through the joy of children, and ultimately into the Hindu Holy Ganges River:.

Maybe the habits and customs, maybe the religious influence, many Chinese people's taboo subject for butylparaben

-People not care. Apart from death, another example is the many temples carved statue of the variety of sexual love. These lead to foreign tourists a great interest in porn statue for Nepal people seem completely do not seem to mind the idea that local adult children sitting on the steps of the Temple of rest before the chat, young students in reading or showing love and overhead is the variety of hot sex nude portrait posture.

Temple around brings together many dressed in bright robe face the issue of the paint.

In fact, they are more like a swarm around the visitors begging profession beggars, used clothes attract tourists of the lens and then ask for costs. Later in Bhaktapur and Narayan Temple seen real ascetic, very low profile body wrapped in a black cloth, with only a bottle of water.

Temples on the other side is a small hill, along the road to the Northeast, along the way you can see many large and small temples, and finally the famous Temple of vaginal woman, unfortunately, is not open to non-believers.

The temple gate can be seen in front of a large chunks of low-rise Middle stands a huge stupa, jinding is Nepal's largest stupa in Bodhnath. A stupa as guidelines through winding lanes (then know that such lanes are relatively spacious road). Roadside useful bamboo tie-up of big swing frame, this is the most important Festival in Nepal des Festival. The Festival will be held on October 4, starting at the end of October until the climax on October 7 and 9 June. Swing is Desai Festival of traditional activities.

Stupa surrounded by Tibetan areas, but also all over the shop bustling business district, where the Thangka paintings very well, we didn't buy, but later elsewhere see Thangka is here.

Finally in Tanzania to find a comparison of Italy

In the evening back to the hotel.

Afternoon at the front desk before booked hotel Krishnarpan Nepal restaurant dinner. Hotel front desk promptly blocked our booking 24 dish set meal of crazy attempt. Fact 6-course set meal has been very full. Appetite can try 9-course set meal. Our rooms in the hotel courtyard, close to the hotel owner occupied. The hotel's building is separate from, our House is only 2, 3 room, only our occupancy.

10/3 morning tour of the hotel, the hotel itself is worth the time to carefully watch the first half of the day.

Courtyard stands the monument of the award-winning hotel. Nepal's many of the world cultural heritage in the award winning only the hotel and the ancient town of Bhaktapur.

After playing at noon check-out car Bhaktapur.

Car in du bus Plaza, buy city ticket valid for 7 days, on Chinese concessions. We originally scheduled Bhaktapur GH full, even it the new store is full, our hair into Taumadhi square on the other side of the Newa GH. Fortunately, the location was good, room window in Nepal existing highest new tiles, building Nyatapola Temple side of the rear.

Because of the old town area after repairs, and prohibited inter motorcycle external motor to enter, so than Kathmandu to quiet and tidy.

It is the square du Pakistan Valley three ancient city in the largest one, quite broad. The magnificent building that looks even more. Round one, found the legendary beautiful Peacock window.

The city's residents, life is very relaxed.

Dusk before the temple to pray in an endless stream. Perhaps due to the Festival after nightfall, some old people gathered at a temple front porch on a very delightful music music. And many young people in the convoy knocking at the rhythm of drums and walk through the streets. The entire city at a Festival on the eve of the restless restless atmosphere. The square, it appears from all sides, all disappeared, and yet no clear purpose

10/4 before 4 o'clock in the morning is more wake the cymbals, wait days to get up at dawn to see the window air a group of crows in pursuit of a just before homing of OWL.

Sunrise came du bus Plaza, Royal Golden Gate, an endless stream of local people in prayer, they make every morning the first thing to the old town in a temple Idol before hand pallet of m, red pigment, flower petals and Spice rub in the idol, and then use the forehead respectful touch.

After breakfast departure to Changu Narayan.

The results of an English isn't very good for drivers to the Temple to hear Narayan Temple became the Themal, carrying we are headed for Canada. We found may not be right, specifically the map show it to him, but he still did not understand, is open to all airport, we strongly questioned only stopped the car. Because of the difficulty of communication, we find a passerby to help us, thanks to this gentleman's English is good, but very warm, not only explain the destination, on better fare, also left her cell phone and email that if drivers have questions you can call him. Thus we have the impression of the people of Nepal. Then well of arriving in the Hill the Changu Narayan temple town, is at the top of the Hill, which is also the world's cultural heritage.

Temple in some loose stone is beautiful, one of the patterns also printed on the Nepal currency.

The main building also has a sumptuous gilded copper doors, this is our entire trip in the most spectacular a Gammon. In the temple door overlooking the Valley of the scene is also very good.

Back to the old town to Bhaktapur and then to a circle, a little over

Luggage, travel to Nagarkot. Here is the view of Everest near all the famous attractions. Unfortunately we have bad luck, the weather is always somewhat hazy, but snow most of the time hiding behind a thick cloud, only the next morning to reveal a little bit. However the hotel was very good. Sunset door of the corridor is very beautiful. Room height by floor, named after the mountain, we in the top fourth Yulong Kang 8505m

In Hotel met a group of school organization of tours of the Australian high school students.

Dinner, led by the teacher while continually arise and advise, but over 40 teenage children or to have romantic hotel restaurant became noisy school canteens.

10/5 morning Valley clouds, did you see the sunrise.

After breakfast the hotel arranged a wizard takes us to the commanding heights of Nagakot view-tower. A total of around two hours walk, very easily, are very good roads. Passing through Nepal mountain troops training camps. Barracks are broken, but the equipment at the gate guards. Bulletproof helmet + military boots + tactical backpacks + bulletproof vests + M16. Incidentally, the Nepal Army equipment very messy, airport gate guard soldiers-a war era lurnfeld · Lee rifles, street soldiers have picked Michael RAND, Springfield and M14, better is India's SLR rifle M16, elite force is. Occasionally there is snow on the way to see the mountain top show clouds. Back to hotel checkout.

To add all after taxi driver had a lot of trouble to help us find hidden in alleys of Fuji GH, get off to get halfway companion set good the next day to bokhara ticket.

Season ticket was nervous, we finally got the golden-travel last two separate tickets. Fuji GH is Japan opened the chain store, the ancient city from LP recommended hiking routes starting very close, off to the tourist bus departure bokhara points is also very near. Later in the l is also seen. The room was spacious, the facility can reach the hotel standard. But far more than ordinary hotel clean, bathroom spotless.

The afternoon is ready to go out when it started to rain, but also not small, quickly put on emergency clothing, began to follow the route of the tour and LP are the center of the ancient city.

Intermittent showers, fortunately we everywhere the important attractions could help "to live is fine. Sun cracks from clouds burrowa illuminate those exquisite carving and glittering temples Spire.

Rain city roads narrow muddy chaos.

Because exactly Desai, Festival of the previous day, the streets are jammed with the procurement of goods of local festivals. In the width only and Shanghai alley streets, pedestrians, motorcycle, automobile, and human round, dogs, chickens, sheep, cattle and even their looking forward to squeeze, but the gap to roadside shops and vendors are trying to develop your own road. But this kind of out-of-sequence of busy noise makes it more similar to the medieval era Mart instead of modern city streets. The narrow roads of the old buildings on both sides of the bottom row with the sale of handicrafts, traditional clothing, perfumes, dyes, metal shop, a junction of open space is the sale of agricultural products and snacks on the street corner, stands the Temple of worshippers in, people crowded at the door waiting for God's blessing. If not the occasional electrical shops and street backpackers, simply let people suspected of not carefully through the 3, 4 years ago of the bustling city. If the Angkor is one of the ancient city of dead specimens, Kathmandu and Bhakatapur is like a living dinosaur to their medieval-style or unordered or Grand, or noisy or quiet, or busy or relaxed in the world in the 21st century.

The most hilarious-Shan Street is hundreds of years of history, crossing the Himalayas to the Tibet of ancient trade routes starting point.

Here bronze shop sells from daily cups of water to the exquisite handicrafts of various bronze. But all the bronze pricing by weight. The shopkeeper will give you pick good bronze stacked in a great and original balance, on the other side with large and small ├stainless, weighed weight on price, this is weathering of sales approach for the first time I saw.

Had to admire LP's cattle were prepared, be so confusing Street alley put together a tour route, and takes into account the most important attractions.

Some spots are so unexpected. From the muddy noisy Street through a very obscure low heels, eyes suddenly see a spacious quiet courtyard, decorated with hundreds of years handcrafted fine statues and pagoda, a tall Linden from an old small stupa top growth, and shade covers a small half a yard. Ground stone was just rinse under the shower. The surrounding population, housing, clean beautiful facade of the color of the drilled clouds shot exceptionally warm. A corner of the courtyard is a low but full of legends of ancient temples. The children are taking advantage of intermittent light rain in the yard on the kite, even the statue itself is very harmonious: four carved Buddhist statue of small stupa base is Hindu Lin Jia modeling. In Nepal, those beautiful temples and statues are not sold in glass covering ticket to visit the heritage or for disuse of monuments, and still is very important for people's lives. Everywhere the large and small gods Temple reminds people that the various different gods still wandering around town, watching and dominate their life.

We took on the road than it is expected that more time, arrived at the line end du bus Plaza has been in the evening.

It was dark down quickly so that we can no longer see LP, so please have a local tour guide as we explain. In seasonal crowded the squareMaking a circle. It is said that acquired will be here on the spot the slaughter of hundreds of cattle and sheep to sacrifice to shiva. Unfortunately we do not in all, can't witness that the square stone. Nepal festivals in addition and the Chinese Festival common family reunification and other secular content, there are very strong religious themes. The Thamel district at night to Helena restaurant on the top floor terrace for dinner. The night was cold, the results unfortunately caught cold. Even more unfortunate is the remainder of the trip we both take turns cold cough.

10/6 in the morning to kanti path.

Here is all the main street. Morning roadside stop full to various tourist cities of tourist bus, but our car full of locals. Later known as des Festival usually work in all of the family home of hometown reunion, plus the tourism season ticket tension caused. Original said 6: 45 departure actual wait until 7: 30, and then in the city go up two laps, then add some people on the bus, the city has more than 8 points. The scenery is quite a bit like Southern Hills in late summer. 4 pm to bokhara, live in the Lake District Hotel Barahi.. This is a hidden in the alley of very elegant hotel. It was very heavy, and soon begins to rain. Boccara earliest is just a small mountain village in 6, 70 's some hippy found the lakes and mountains of Switzerland has comparable and isolation the quiet mountain village and, more importantly, here on the cannabis grown, and so on, so be as hippy's Mecca, hippie Road East end point, this fame. Now is no longer a year earlier, l the decadent psychedelic and restlessness's refuge and those carrying a guitar smoking a cannabis hair of angry young men who had returned to the West that desperate to avoid most of the civilized society, into the middle of the abdomen or assets. Now, l is the petty bourgeoisie ' paradise. Ha'afeva Lake East coast along the Lake just restaurant bar Inn and travel agents. Shop only 4 categories: supermarkets, souvenir shops, outdoor shop and Bookstore

10/7 in the morning, clouds or very thick, the Sunrise, the morning when we arrived at the corner of a LP recommended travel agent travel agent arrangements we blue-sky days of activities, including paragliding, Ana PMG hiking and chitwan Park.

Which paraglider € 70 per person for four days hiking poon hill link total $ (including both accommodation and fees wizards, not including bottled drinks), Chitwan we choose to live in the temple tiger Park, three days and two nights for a total of $ contains all costs and chitwan from l to return to Canada all of the tourist bus fare. The most luxurious garden Tiger Tops actually asking price $ 800 a night, too. Scheduled activities, the hotel staff brought us to the Ana PMG reserve management service for mountain pass, 2000 rupees per person, plus two photos. The heat of the midday, we hid in a cafe near the Lake of court yard, under the shade of listening to music while reading. The rise is a turquoise Lake of sails, the far hills Sun through clouds cast some light, mottled Eagle circled overhead. 4 o'clock in the afternoon sun goes down to the Lake, we rented a pedal boat, the Lake is the waves, watching the setting sun, light and shadow transform.

Evening by the Lake of kangaroo restaurant, the Lake of the courtyard there is a small stage, performing traditional songs and dances on the ground.

10/8, the roof rooftop on first sight of the very beautiful Snowy Mountain Sunrise (course and subsequently saw when trekking could not be more than a).

The fishtail peak steep upright and Ridge-like Nam na Puna peak in front.

8: 30 first collection to blue-sky paragliding club day seven, eight visitors.

9 o'clock we travel to Sabah, and the pilot langke. The roof covered with large packages, that's what we'll use of paragliding. Boccara at least three paragliding Club, we participate in the headquarters in Switzerland. Their pilot all from Europe. Near the peak of a small hill, fewa lake front is oriented towards the steep slope.

Pilot are busy expanding, finishing the rigging.

I was scheduled on the first take-off. My pilot is a young man, but France has 15 years of flying experience. He is a professional athlete of paragliding, summer in Switzerland's Club headquarters, winter flight to Nepal. Visitors to fasten a full set of belts, helmets, Pilot face rear stand behind their seat belts are the umbrella. Then visitors are asked to forward-facing slope. Pilot behind first raised by the wind, take-off moment umbrella turned faces forward.

The first play to say do not be afraid is the brag and I was the first to take off.

First off, ran to the steep side of time hesitated. Results umbrella lost lift, takeoff failure, we nearly got the umbrella with the steep slope. Rearrange nice umbrella has started again. This is probably ran smoothly, 6, 7-step took off. And expected, after take-off and not like a parachute as to his whereabouts, but even to increase. The pilot of the manoeuvring, the Valley of the updraft holds parafoil rise quickly fly circling back to top-off point. Smooth flight that I no longer have any worries, so very excited and the ground is ready to go say Hello to people. After the two circle circling, we flew to the Valley. After the excitement of the beginning and began to enjoy the tranquility of the feeling of flying. This is really soar feeling, no spaces, no engineROAR. Blows through the cheek, apart from the wind and the heartbeat sound without side.

We like the wind like a light in the dandelion and swiftly at the foot of the Castle Valley, riding suddenly subsides airflow.

After the village, the children were excited by the hand and we say hello.

Fly for a period of time, the pilot took me play a stunt.

First large angle inclined to fall, and then quickly circled by air flow increase rapidly. Soon we rose to the bottom of a cloud, before entering cloud, an Eagle from directly below us. Behind the clouds feeling very strange, surrounded by white, head of the renowned experts, umbrella-winged foot also empty, people seemed still suspended in the air. After flying cloud continued to fly by the Lake, but distant snow-capped mountain has obscured by clouds. We landed at the Lake of open spaces. Down appropriate airflow is not found, the result can only be the nearest landing at other clubs of the landing site.

10/9 we rearrange the luggage, ready to go.

To take up items on my big bag, temporarily unused goods storage in travel agent there. Remove the first bundle adjustment with tie-back into the small of her back to backpack. In fact, in General, 4 days 3 nights walking items only need two 35-40 liter-sized packages can be put down. This package has its own back. But we didn't have the right package, can only be called one of the porters to help us back pack. Unfortunately that day is Desai Festival of a big day, according to family tradition, potters was difficult to find. Finally, a local man's help in finding a very shy boy high school, he was a Catholic, a Westernized name is Santos. He played with home Hello, nothing with, wear the slippers and set off. To our term of trekking for he is just a relaxing picnic. We plan to go clockwise poon hill link. The first day of the journey is short walk of about 4 hours. Set of 10 points, 2 pm to the Hille. Along the way, is essentially in the Valley between the farmland, walking is easy. But the temperature is high, walk in the Sun quickly with sweat.

Wizard when it comes to the front next end Ulleri has a long steep mountain path, if possible arrival time today looks relatively late, but it's hard to find room.

So we in Hille break down. Our wizard called Tika, a middle-aged man talks to, apart from good English, but also be able to speak several Western languages, but do not understand Chinese. When more than 10 years of professional Wizard, little old youzi. Benefits is experience rich, very attentive care of visitors. Cons is like playing point cleverness. For example, because the wizard needing lodging is, he always brings us to his relationship with shops, so he's accommodation is almost free of charge. Of course, if we have additional requirements, he also met. However, because the Mountain Inn accommodation Basic is the same, the difference for the visitors. Mountain accommodation charge is unified by the mountainous offices, even the menu is unified printing. Mountain Inn though primitive, but the exterior is painted. Nepal's color perception is very good. White blue sparkle of color against the green valleys is both eye-catching and refreshing. Eaves also hanging rows of Golden corn. After dark to go to bed early.

10/10 because today's ride longer, so the point of departure in the morning 7 departure when the weather was fine, leaving Hille after a small bridge after continuous on mountain roads, we kept leaning alpenstock also felt very tired.

While our porters carrying a large bag slippers in the rugged mountain at ease. Not long after the original first-day camping ground near tikedungha, there is a beautiful waterfall. Finally before noon to Ulleri. After the road after Ulleri goto Ridge the shaded side, here the road opposite the gentle and dense forests. Leaves lush tree usnic hanging, covered the hot sun. Shortly after noon, overcast

Stop, walk through the jungle of mountain quite chilly.

The way States an endless stream of tourists, a few steps of a break in Japan there are also old tour packages, without the wizard himself carrying large packages go big ring road of cattle.

From time to time and shipment of the Pacers.

Because the road is narrow, the Pacers were passing pedestrian collision to the side of the road. Increasingly gloomy weather, began to drift Starrs from time to time. We on wet roads to intensify their way, around 4 p.m. at last to the ring road of gorapani. Had just settled down the rain pouring down. Here it has been nearly 3000 m above sea level and it rains, the temperature drops than morning departure over twenty degrees feels a bit cold. Fortunately the hotel in the ground floor of the restaurant has a heating furnace, stove chimney happened across the us on the second floor of the room. With this root hot "radiators", our room was very warm and dry. A period of time was as hot as the dry sauna. Fortunately the temperature reduces some later. Wizard said that in his experience, today this field after the rain, the weather tomorrow morning should be very good. Then we play this on foot: Poon Hill tomorrow morning sunrise is full of expectation. Before bed downstairs fireplace has been out, to prevent cold at night, his coat, and wool jacket are placed in the sleeping bag edges. Sure enough, woken in the middle of the night are used.

10/11 4: 30 in the morning we wake up the wizard, the 5 point, fizzes when going out.

At this point almost all visitors came from the hotel, while the dark little village is full of headlamps and flashlights in white light, the wizard takes us through aRoad to rotate the door on a mountain. The mountain has been full of people, from all roads also continued flow together, looked a blinking light long winding extending upwards. It reminds a lesson in high school, when you lift the Red Army on fire to turn the descriptions of snowy mountains. 5: 45 or so to the top of the Hill, the eastern horizon is just beginning to white, small Plains has gathered a lot of people, and Cambodia to watch the sunset on the mountain nesbakken scenarios are some similar. And the view did not live up to so many people get up early. The sky is clear, in front of the fish in the early morning light Summit sliced thin clouds as a flag fluttering in the mountain. And thus to the West a whole column of a snow-capped mountain without blocking the lined up, as if waiting for review of junzhen. Sky light and colour change as time goes by fast, green and white snow gradually been xiaguang kindling pink. And no sign of that crowd cheers, West far highest annagh PMG, the top being the first ray of sun light, Golden red Crest as set in the white base of enormous stones, colourful rays. Shortly thereafter, and mountains around it like a lighthouse, a block, then a lit by the Sun, bright light and transform it. Eventually, the Sun from East Ridge behind half a round face, one side of the mountain ridges like flowing water clouds over the mountain waterfall pouring down. At this time in front of the group have been shut, and shadow show soon entered the drawing to an end.

The Guide recommends we abandon link return the same way.

In this case the distance is shorter, the road is relatively easy. We discuss a little later accepted his proposal. Although some regret that some are not resign himself. But considering that for security reasons and physical condition and the future of travel, green mountain or the most important. The original road returns despite relatively easy, but it is not easy. The road is relatively slow in the morning and in the afternoon, the weather is gloomy, then it began to rain. Uneven steps more slippery. Quick stop and sunshine to Ulleri, Sun is in the clouds was exposed in the face. At this point we are in a roadside tea room, rest in front of a Rainbow in the Valley. Such beauty can be considered for our rain Kanchanaburi's return. Next to face Ulleri and Hille between long steep mountain road, which is downhill. 6 p.m. until dark, we finally arrived between Tikedungha. Legs are tired a bit twitched.

10/12 a night's rest after manual recovery.

Quickly walk to Hille road leaves the distance comparison easy. Weather is also very good. The wizard also picked up the side of the mature wild chestnuts, falling off to give us food, nuts sweet. I've took some butterflies birds. The afternoon is about, finally back to the starting point.

We said goodbye to Santos, travel back to bokhara.

Take back the storage of luggage after famous Fishtail Lodge, finally returning to the comfortable hotel. Our room while the patron of the back row, still at the gate of the yard will be able to see the snow, but we've been too busy to enjoy, the House quickly bath had a NAP in the afternoon. In the evening to his cafeteria meals. Evening sunset rose red fishtail peak reflection in the Lake, homing of Heron from the water, and don't have a quiet and serene. Evening to clean up articles, washed some clothes. And then to bed early.

10/13 Finally don't have to get up early, sleep to wake up, go to the restaurant naturally eat breakfast and then back to the room to rest, and also to the hotel's swimming pool swimming for a while.

More than 4 p.m. departure lakeside area when, had a foot massage. Practices than domestic to gentle, evening to a called Love Shake restaurant. To a roast pork, a mushroom sauce steak. Serving is very slow, but with free popcorn before dinner. And other dishes, roast pork scare us. It was long 20 cm, width 15 cm thick at the 3 and 4 cm of a block of pork meat. Piled around Tater and dishes, full of a large tub. Simply can't imagine this is a copy of the content. Finally get rid of sore fat meat and bones and the part after reluctantly eat yixiaoban gave, but very delicious steak.

10/14 to get up early, then take a time snow-capped mountain Sunrise, finally some taste shenmeipilao.

To the terminal by coach to the tourist bus Chitwan. Tickets and not numbers. As a result we crammed next to the co-pilot. While sitting and not very comfortable, but the view is very good. But later on the road to see accident debris let us shudder, a car crashed into a truck in the head and tail, truck loading of immense logs to the position of Assistant driving buses completely destroyed, if this position was so certain death. Winding down the mountain roads, most of the sections of the road is fairly good,

9 a.m. to a has a very beautiful garden of rest stop, you can eat breakfast.

The next road, essentially along the Valley, around 11 points to a town called Narayangarh. We and the same vehicle for Canada to get off at this old couple, transfer the buggy toward the Temple Tiger to Park Hotel in the Southwest, and the remaining passengers continue to Southeast to Sola HA. Come to meet us for a great African Safari-style old buggy. The beginning of the road is very good, this is what I have seen in Nepal in the territory of one of the best roads, spacious flat, straight, about 45 minutes later, our car suddenly opened under the subgrade turned a very humble village soil. Buggy appeared immediately of advantage. We pass through villages and large areas of farmland along some road signs indicating the direction of the hotel. About half an hour later, we passed one side of the Park into the Park and entering the gate, the roadside scenery immediately into a thick forest. Not far from the front line, our car in theA large river. The River Park with a small vessel, apparently to cross the River, and we looked up the other side is a duration full Reed River, then the distance is covered, no crowded. In addition we have a car for 4 people, 5 Germany visitors have, by the River. 9 visitors plus a boatman and Hill-like your luggage on the old small vessel, the ship was to the water. The river while the spacious but very quiet. Ship to River heart looked uninhabited cays, apart from the distance of a water bird, I don't see any living creatures, in addition to the acoustic and no sounds. Suddenly feeling from civilized society into the unexplored.

Boats down the river close to the shore, only to see the river there is a hut.

Disembarkation after a stretch of the River on the open space on open space waiting for, there is a 2 meter high wooden desk, according to the experience in Cambodia, know this is take the clock tower. So we think will be the elephant to meet us. In the open space waiting for a long time, and we are all in the same car in Canada man found himself in the leg bites a mighty pigra with. Ask me for a lighter roast for only get it down. We agreed that article from the old pigra with wet wood. Eventually we came here not the elephant and still be buggy. This car is a four-drive pickup. We squeeze on convertible cars, just on either side of the bench to sit on, the car exploded a rushed into the dense reedbeds. After a large covered with 2 high grass densely forested swamps then enter. But the road is in and out of vehicles, the pressure of deep muddy ruts. Sometimes mud in rut depth up to 4, 50 cm. We are in violent turbulence in the compartment to hold handrail, constantly ward off both sides of the thatch and shrubs to sweep over the branches and leaves. We got to the hotel fully experience the excitement of the jungle adventure. The car was finally opened on a dirt track, a front of dense forest in the several cottages, our hotel. We followed a few days of all costs are included in the room, room and Board is responsible for all activities by the hotel, of course in such isolation jungle in addition to this you can't go anywhere. The hotel was built in the midst of the dense forest on the edge of the North, from 20 several separate cottages. Small is big is guest room, restaurant, reception, shops and other facilities, the hotel to the North is a open wetlands, further north, the West is long, dense forest to the East is covered with huge grass plains. A small river that extends from the depths of the plains in front of wetlands.

In the hotel facing the wetland edge, there is a viewing platform.

After lunch we looked on the platform, a distance of small river has a black, bold look like floating in the water of Deadwood, had others pointing through telephoto lens look only to find that's a bubble in the water of the rhinoceros. Here the rhino is also known as big India rhinoceros horn shields, the number of the existing world in 1200 to 2000 head. Than the number of wild pandas also small. Unfortunately distances with a telephoto still can't really. However soon regret was made up for. 4: 30 p.m., we start to ride the elephants into the jungle.

The elephant is indeed the King of the land animals, in training under the command of man from the people to cross the long full shrub vine jungle opens out directly in an access road.

A total of four elephants, exhaust fan search forward. And imagine, in the jungle is actually very difficult to see wildlife. Tall trees and low shrubs and winding up of the vines during a huge green curtain, our vision restrictions on dozens of meters or even a few meters. But forest jiansha animal footprints on Criss is close to the jungle hides a myriad creatures indeed. We contemplate the silent breath through the jungle to the grass. Here the thatch of up to 3 meters, known as elephant grass, it is said that the elephant loves to eat, we sit at the top of the line of sight as back enclosure can barely crossed the grasses. The Sun was setting, we still nothing. Suddenly the elephant quickened, through the grass to a small river, the River not far away from a giant Rhinoceros being lazy in water, the distance to the river there are another two.

Maybe already commonplace, Rhino for sudden elephants have no panic, turned to use smaller eyes glanced at it we are no longer ignored.

Training as people drive like forward until only a few metres away. Rhino is leisurely turned to "swim".

Way back when getting close to the hotel, a shape and the size of the black sheep almost beast from our Flash briefly before, but lost in the dark jungle.

The speed of the reaction that we simply too late. Sunset, a group of great Hornbill "quack" crying over his head, fly to the jungle for the night behind us. Hotel in cottages perimeter lighting deciduous Woods, with smoke coming off mosquitoes or there may be a beast.

10/15 more than 5 points out of the Woods in the morning mist.

Is green a grey mist jungle even more mysterious, though there are prying eyes in the dark tap. Around from time to time, there was a variety of animals. There is a continuous short low roar is a little like the sound of the car wouldn't start. Side passing hotel staff said it was the roar of the rhinoceros. To the viewing platform, we found two Rhinoceros on the viewing platform of the grass just below. Because the light is too dark, not assigned to clear photos. It grew brighter, they turned over the wetland leisurely return jungle.

The project is still on the morning of the ride, this time we have been to the West in the jungle.

Today's lucky, not long before the front of the bushes to Flash a bunch of yellow deer, then find a group of white India colobus overhead of the branches of the shuttle to jump. Deer often follow monkeys action, you can pick up monkeys from the tree shakes the falling fruit and buds, arrogant smart monkey can discover their common enemy-Bengal Tigers, and call the police.


Monkeys ran away after we continue walking in the forest, the elephant care through the rugged terrain.

Finally a small glades and found a great little two rhinoceros. Small one corner had long molding, apparently a mother. Female Rhino obviously very alert, always use the sharp horns is on us, but small Rhinoceros is hid his mother's side of the tree, when we close the parent issue when deep roar of the Rhinoceros, then turned and fled with a small Rhinoceros into jungle behind.

After lunch the training like after the performances, but also to the viewing platform.

This time a build huge Rhinoceros in wetland water leisurely eating aquatic plants, and then slowly to the viewing platform until you come to just below.

Its angle is so worn that it is, is only very old cattle. At the same time, a 3 m to long short alligator quietly swim across the water in the Reed feverishly drinking.

4: 30 in the evening, in the park under the leadership of the wizard to begin jungle hikes.

Wizard first talked into the jungle and required attention as well as meet dangerous animals the right response. Then each person made a stick set off. Basically there is no path, sometimes along the path trodden animals, sometimes you want to drill through the Woods, over Deadwood. The wizard walks the termite Hill along the see, animal tracks, then encountered a wart monkeys. Go straight to a half dry river bed side, here is the animal used to drinking water, but unfortunately we have bad luck What does not. A total of about 2 hours away, although not much to see animals, but in the original forest through experience or interesting.

10/16 early in the morning, because you want to go to catch up with the morning from Narayangarh Sola, open to all of the bus, so the 6 point set off, once again, through the mist to the jungle and swamp when.

Return to cross the River at the counter. Two boatmen in white fog of river to make Artemisia, a long time to reach the other side. 8 o'clock to Narayangarh. Park staff busy contact vehicles, vehicle was delayed. We sat in Nepal's a lonely little town of fork in the road side of grocery store front, watching the hawker, police, pedestrians, people, man, woman, begging, street children, all kinds of people go by. Waited 2 hours and finally to our car. 3 pm or so finally arrived and are nearby, as long as the climb over the mountain is combined with all Valley. Result of serious traffic jams. A road block for more than 3 hours. In the afternoon go to monkey temple's plan was forced to cancel. Go straight to the journey of the last one is the most comfortable Yak & Yeti Hotel. Hotel by the new and old buildings. Old House, a colonial style building. Was once the Palace of the King of Nepal. Now there is a banquet hall, conference room, restaurant, shops and the Casino. Maybe there are some set of top-level Deluxe suites. The main rooms are in the new building. We booked business rooms, the room is on the garden floor window has a small balcony. Bed is very soft and comfortable. Business floor has a dedicated small Victorian style decorated lobby. In the evening to the Chimney of the old building of the restaurant. It is said that here the Russian style cuisine is authentic. Eat down are substantial but taste too salty. Also do not know are not authentic Russian dishes are so salty.

10/17 travel close, today is the last play.

In the ground floor of the restaurant after breakfast departure Valley in another ancient city PA Tan. Due to the expansion of the city in fact already and are integrated, only to a river is bounded.

Du bus Plaza building very intensive, jam-packed.

Some India Islamic mixing style Temple is beautiful.

Square edges bafatan Museum is a reconstruction of the Palace Courtyard.

Inside a large number of attractively bronze collection, especially the Hindu and Buddhist statues. Museum showpieces and presentation in good order, and the Museum building itself has a charm, be some comments that are the best Museum in South Asia as a whole.

Leave du bus, we hurriedly browse the LP on several important temples around.

And then back to Canada. Because of all the previous plus du bus Plaza tour in a hurry, so this time once again. But car drivers suddenly said halfway, away earlier. The original is mass demonstrations is blocked and all the main roads. People waving a red flag shouting slogans, roadside, many wearing blue camouflage carrying sticks of military police, but overall fairly calm. We can only get around. Results arrive also has 3 points.

Plaza on the go for about two hours.

Then rushed to the monkey Temple. Monkey Temple was built in the city side of the Hill, overlooking the whole city. Arrival is the sunset. At the peak of the piece, some local women gather at two rows, ate some food, seems to be a family gathering or memorial ceremony. Some clouds to the West of the horizon, the soft light of the sunset, the stupa of jinding is not very bright.

Bands of the Eagle at the foot of the circling over the city.

From the hill overlooking the city's urban planning are nightmare, the whole Valley covered with high and low messy little building, neither the large building is almost do not see a neat road, sky sunset, we left the last of this journey. Dinner in the restaurant, 1905 to quite a Myanmar comments. Food tastes good, but serving speed slow.

10/18 to farewell.

Breakfast is in the upstairs lounge, baby-sitting service, not your side to go and get it on the plate. Sunshine through the wood lattice floor-flooded rooms, European small desk, English porcelain tableware and silver tableware glittering, trance to United Kingdom country villa. Take the hotel shuttle to the airport. This time also lucky enough to get the port side of the AB building, unfortunately near PearlWhen the aircraft flew into the peak of the clouds. Tibet's bad weather, the clouds are very thick, flew Lhasa violently tossed about at the time of the aircraft in the rugged mountains of left and right Akira, swerve back has finally landed in Lhasa airport. May be due to the turbulence, altitude than to many noticeable. Head some of hurts. Ten at night back to Shanghai.

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