Wednesday, March 9, 2011

4 MM highly recommend worthwhile plus is a handsome guy

From an article on a good number of stimulation, continue to the header Gallery.

(A) was handsome

To add all of the next morning the hotel from Hama, four MM stand in Thamel Street, spread out a map maidservants, are not open interchange, suddenly heard a sound came from behind (pronunciation is very clear in Mandarin): "ladies, from Taiwan?"

A look back, I saw a young man and the Sun is shining, its aquiline nose deep eyes, black skin, white teeth smile, handsome mess, coupled with a 178 height, on four South is absolutely enough MM standard.

(The above picture was solidified in two seconds)

We laughed for, we are from mainland China.

Handsome young man was shocked, and said he had never come across mainland China girl. So much for your kind invitation we went to his Office. His travel agency in Hama out the intersection near the name RUBY TOURS & TRAVELS, he was one of the leaders, there is a Chinese name, called Li Jian. We asked Li how speaks, he lived in Taiwan for two years.

We ask to Li Jian and tour ticket prices, plus all travel arrangements.

He was very enthusiastic, and she gave us four cards, said that if something happens, give him a call.

In his Office a bit sweet, delicate and Nepal MM gentle people, give us a good impression, then know that it was Lee's younger sister.

(2) tour

Plus all of the first four days, four MM soldiers in two road, Venini, small land to go rafting, I and small to bhadgaon.

Since the first two days of corruption, and the wood of the rupee has changed.

Bhadgaon this way people first settled the issue currency. I and small good Street go for a long time, didn't get the satisfaction of the Renminbi, time is 10 a.m., also did not eat breakfast. Two MM went into a bakery, swept all the varieties of price, at the end of the pouch, into the home of the most difficult since a breakfast per person a bagel, a sprite.

(The two guys are miserable, night before buying bread in the morning to find that crawls with ants, out of the question.

Hurry, only get run out of two cucumber gnaw gnaw)

Since the shop price is Rs. 1 USD changed 77, behind the hotel for the price of RS. 78.

Prudent accounting small good suggestions to Li Jian companies ask.

Here, due to corruption and chaos, Venini accounts only when a three-day accounting positions had to be dismissed, the night before the night was a little better and complete inventory of all the debts, the recovery of amounts owed to public funds, inventory and strong up to only 10 rupees in error.

Really get genius, imagine, why did learn of political, financial, do if false accounting not long ago made a ...


Gossip rarely come to Li Jian company downstairs, but still haven't opened the door, Nepal people so happy.

Was about to leave, he turned to see him, this should have been followed, and every behind us: don't say, gosh)

Ask the exchange rate, we decided to go with the "great wall" of the Young man to change money, for $ 20, enough for us today.

Li Jian said today he told me not to worry, we don't have to fight to bhadgaon, he can take us to sit on a bus of the local people, cheap and fun. Upon the occasion, the small well forget q: Nepal registered speak Chinese tour guide is not more than ten, but fees are very high, you accept our? handsome Hi diligently stared: really I do not know Jesus. I've never overcharged customers money.

Handsome guy said it is the low season, free, every day he bored in the Office, it is better to go around with friends, is free of charge.

Good Qualcomm Inc.!

Leaving Li called him in Canada are Chinese teacher Miss Yang, Chinese Mainland passport visitors just 50 rupees from bhadgaon tickets, rather than the usual 5 dollars.

There are beautiful, happy with all tour began.

HA! (to be written to this, think of the recent popularity of the non-lvtan Ichiro, life less peach, depressed. Casino pride unlucky down. Poor guy, hee hee)

Handsome guy leads we wear Street lanes, passing temples, not forgetting the clock smoothly Lala.

The bus station is bustling, crowded. Get on down, very clever of preemptive MM pocket and buy a ticket, do not let the handsome guy spending money. This is the way conversation, what Taiwan, Chinese football (handsome guy likes Li Wei-Feng), Nepal, no barriers. Just chatting, he suddenly pointed to the window being far away from a set of buildings that look, that's a sign of bhadgaon, Nepal only a five-storey building of the temple ...

Strike shouted: come say stop! we missed my stop.


Bhadgaon are not far away from Canada, only 20 minutes by car.

But, much more quiet, no talk of the tour and traders, all nature, clean, is a good place to appreciate the ancient culture.

When introduced to the black days of the temple, he said that the black God is Hinduism is very popular with the worship of one God, called Krishna, 16 a wife, therefore, when people want to describe a man very attractive is very popular with women welcome, Krishna will told him.

I looked at each other and smiled and accounting, say, you're the Krishna. Handsome guy modest shook his head and said, I have a girlfriend. We said that you were a girl, but there are many, many more girlfriend.

In roadside shop to sit down and bought a drink drink slowly, slowly, slowly, with the ancient people of God, regardless of the wonderful atmosphere, really willing to spend.

In order to repay Lee told us the story of God as the head, we also give him a story of the elephant and the mosquito, said the elephant and the mosquitoes are a pair of lovers, the elephant is the boy, the mosquito is a girl, one day, the mosquitoes in the elephant's ear said a Word, the elephant is a faint gudong

You know what the mosquitoes?

Handsome head, unknown causes.

"Mosquito said, my dear, I'm pregnant!"

He laughed.

To not to reciprocate, I suspect that this sentence is not only the Chinese talent.

He immediately assumed, a story of the Ant and the elephant: the ants are boys, elephants are girls, ants on a motorcycle with his girlfriend, because the speed is too fast, an accident, the elephant that is okay, Ant fell badly beaten, ask about?

Two MM head.

"He didn't wear a helmet!"


Back to Canada, we requested Krishna afternoon tea.

Nice four o'clock, lunch and dinner are cool, be no hot tea. Next table of foreigners well not funny, when we order them on the table to the fried noodles, they quickly do potential hand built, for fear we snatch:)

Handsome guy describes the restaurant taste good, prices, unfortunately did not write down it's name.

Afternoon tea, he then invited us to his travel and help look at his new Billboard on Chinese is wrong, "provides you with the most economical travel in Nepal.

"That's right. Is the word small point, handsome guy some dissatisfaction, instead, just hanging out. To accompany our stroll, delayed his business, it is sorry MM.

Handsome guy have saying nice indeed: If the price is not right, do not do, should not do not have also promised to anyone, and then go to deceive people, who will find you do business?

Two Chinese MM and a group of Young man in Nepal by the Tiantai Thamel laughing on the roof to see them hanging signs.

The afternoon of July, a cool breeze blowing gently

(3) exclusive

Plus all of the fifth morning, we are in addition to the last morning.

Rush rush, too.

Venini, small army, small good thing in the morning by 9 points in the plane to Hong Kong, on their way home; and I want to take the night 12 points in the plane to Shanghai.

6: 50, ' were gone, I still have one day of rest, you can enjoy with all of the leisurely.

To clean up things, a bath, sleeps for a moment, go out to look for Li Jian, by the way breakfast.

Yesterday, break up, Li Jian to help me out today's schedule: 9 o'clock luggage to his Office, and then to the suburbs to see a temple dedicated to Nepal, where is the bodhisattva has color, yesterday he told us that the bodhisattva and bhadgaon five-story Temple of origin; and then to his home to sit, and his brothers and sisters in the chat, go to the airport at night.

I think he is good, because it left me a person, not English cutscenes that I have anything.

But he said, today is Saturday, Nepal holidays, he leisurely.

9: 15, came to him downstairs (always thinks he's a very punctual, to Nepal and to be late, but comfortable), but there are better than I do with a clear conscience, door lock, Kid hasn't come yet.

At that time thought that good carried without check-out luggage to, otherwise true.

(Now think, at that time, the reason for this, the subconscious or a trust factor)

Are planning to own to breakfast, no longer thinking about it, didn't want to go out a few steps, and came across him.

I showed that sorry, late. Handsome guy says is late, sorry. Two of them and then turn around and actually see the rice, the morning of the out or go online to find someone, if she was anxious to cry.

I said they are going to take me to a Taiwan guy.

Rice, does it? is the locals! but Chinese pronunciation is also really good.

Delivering the business card, Li Jian accompany me to Hama baggage.

I discovered that, put on me also some vehemence of 45 liters backpack, rested on his body like a toy:)

On the bus, I said I'm sorry, you must not rest on Saturday.

He said, it doesn't matter, her mother said that he wants to bring friends to the outskirts of worship the Buddha, is very pleased that, early on ready for the worship of flowers and sacrifice, in his satchel. They Nepal who daily worship.

This way, we talked about many unexpected topic, marriage, family, offspring, love, and even AIDS.

I never thought would come with a foreign man so candid talk about these topics, and very frankly, just like the exchange between same-sex as natural. I think, maybe it is this alien, and have the same kind of language.

Handsome guy is a concept of very modern Nepal youth, 35-year-old had also married, mother was terrible, he was wrong, said haven't earned enough money, 40 years old and rearing offspring not later, and so he 60 retirement, children 20, just can stand on its own.

Maybe this with him several years living in Taiwan.

He said that his life was the most pleasant time, every day after work, riding a 250CC motorcycle, blazing in the Beach Road, with his friends at the beach seafood beer blowing sea breeze ...

Of course, there are hidden in his heart a sad memories, personal privacy, fade.

Plus all suburbs very backward, for about 20 years ago, China was the rural village of Compton, public pool there are women in bath, do not avoid the outsider's eyes, frankness.

This is in the metropolitan area did not see. See a visitor here, quiet. It is said that travel agents generally do not take tourists come here, unless the itinerary is very abundant.

The temple is a place where entering the village, the Buddha looks plastic as a child, this is the story of the departments from the image of the little Prince in Sri Lanka, the idol of the feet is a tiehe locked, that is afraid of him being snatched away.

Temple of Abbots "senility, open the tiehe, let's look at the Buddha's feet, a pair of paintedRed coriander, Dan bright filled. Li Jian said tiehe do not normally open, I told him that you are Chinese, from far far away to worship the Buddha, he will show you.

I know myself very lucky.

Light aromatic bouquet and butter lamps, Li Jian min I half.

I asked what to do, he said, the Chinese how to offer you what to do. So he bent down thanks to three offer flowers, incense, Abbots will flower in God before the big dip in butter lamps Inkwell, sprinkle with red powder and rice, packed in bags to Li Jian. Li Jian said, take this back to my mother, she will be very happy. And then gave some give, approximately 20 rupees. In this process, has been a local villagers in Abbots passed between us and, reportedly, no one can touch these out of the family, he is a vegetarian Ching Hugh, very clean, if you touch him, broke his virtue.

Indeed, I note that the Abbots came, the people around have let road, originally lay in the altar steps in front of the big dogs also quickly stands aside, agitated also have faltered.

Handsome guy said, look, and it knows not to encounter him Oh:)

And so the time returned to Canada, we are sitting in front of the village of tea shop (shop is small, to get the guests sitting in it).

Village of milk tea cooked very strong. Was about to drink, a drop of water beads are off to my cup, looked up, the original air above a bed sheet. Li Jian looked at me and said we exchange. I said okay, continue to drink.

Suddenly think of many many years ago, the poverty of secondary school, a group of students from the canteen hit rice back, often eating eating can find flies nook or something, take it out from a meal, as in the continued to eat, we had become accustomed.

Am glad that now we have to pick three pick four.

From no time like now that feel as a Chinese person is so lucky.

Equally grateful that there had been the poor, it's neural stronger, it let us do this today is still poverty as we back country too picky frivolous, even in the eyes of others, but is refused the woman.

(Spoke how serious? finished, not find feel on ahead.

So, the rest to be to write it)

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