Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nepal essay (4): from Kathmandu to Tan

The Nepal essays four:

From Kathmandu to Tan (From Kathmandu To Patan)

Built in Kathmandu West hillside, Royan Debnath Temple (Swayambhunath Temple) is a splendid place to the Kathmandu Valley, from the temple platform to the distant, Kathmandu (Kathmandu), Tan (Patan) and Bhaktapur (Bhaktapur).

Temple looked from far away, the most noticeable sign is the largest stupa above a pair of smart eyes, it is said that this is Shakyamuni deep eyes, facial features of seems like nose between the same pattern, is one of Nepal's letter symbols, meaning "unity".

De Royan Debnath Temple (Swayambhunath Temple) is Nepal is one of the oldest temples, built in the early fifth century a.d., the temple to Tibetan Buddhism temples, to raise a lot of monkeys is famous, so it was called "the monkey Temple".

In addition to the hemisphere's largest stupa, surrounding full of various types of small Tower.

Monkeys are sometimes so sweep sat on the steps, simply do not give visitors to the heart.

Kathmandu city Northeast Bardon, a Stupa (Boudhanath), is another famous Buddhist temple, built in the early fifth century a.d., 1979 was the approval of the United Nations as a world cultural heritage.

Bardon, a Stupa (Boudhanath) is a Tibetan Buddhist temples, according to Nepal and Tibet to historical records, Nepal Tower in dynastic yang defeated cutting friction and Tibetan king Akamatsu de praise, and the temple was built. In the center of the great temple stupa is the world's largest hemispherical stupa, occupy the entire skyline, beginning in the late 1950s, the flight from China, Tibetans in the pagoda was constructed around 50 seat Lama Temple.

From Kathmandu (Kathmandu) to the South across the bus stations Rapti (Bagmati River), enter the Kathmandu Valley of another city –-Tan (Patan).

Bafatan City Centre also has a du bus Plaza (Durbar Square), but better than Kathmandu du Pakistan square looks neat.

After the rain there is a bus square du different beauty, less a noise and dust.

This multi-tiered pagoda, is a place to enjoy the local leisure. Monuments in the square, stands in front of these ancient sculpture, there will be a timelapse. The statue is not the Chinese legend of the Dragon? this is Hinduism and Buddhism in elephants. This monster some like Chinese kylin. This was only God monkey chained up and head is penetrated, somehow caused mankind so hated? this portrait somehow some resemblance is Chinese? this thing is a bit like a Chinese temple.

Nepal's extremely valuable wood, and nothing less than.

The Palace door lies a real goat, looks are very harmonious? and the ancient wood carvings reflecting together, is also very harmonious? Nepal people living in monuments, is admirable, if in China, these monuments would ring up and making money. For a poor country, perhaps not so precious monuments.

Despatin urban place is worth visiting a place where shopping is a Tibetan refugee camp (Tibetan Refugee Camp), this is one of the Tibetan refugee camp, by Switzerland of ICRC financed for placement in the 1960s, the Tibet riot fled from China during the Tibetans, it is said that in India, Nepal, there are many such camps.

Camp is a small courtyard, remember the entrance stands a site with a huge poster of the United Nations flag, the above details to the cause of the Tibetan refugee camps set up, s, process, and the resettlement of refugees, and other information, as a result, now I have to remember the specific content, but still remember the first time felt extremely shocked seeing deeply into these exile Tibetans to experienced suffering and uneasy.

Had to address these issues in exile Tibetans to livelihoods, camps set up a lot of handicraft workshop, Switzerland has also funded the establishment of a special fund to assist these people in the development, production, Tibetan carpets and some handicraft gradually became the most famous tourist goods, many European tourists come here to pick a beautiful hand-made carpets.

Refugee camps in neighboring streets now distributing center of Tibetan traditional arts and crafts, with the exception of some special carpet shop, also has many sales Tibetan handicrafts shops.

Of course, is various Tibetan costume camp main production and sales of goods. With the changing times, Tibetan refugees leave the camps, most have some drift across the seas to the West, of course, there are quite a lot of Tibetans have been integrated into Nepal community, they go to settle around. The following photo is a Tibetan in Kathmandu city centre hotel, run by dedicated hospitality arrival of Tibetans from all directions.

The accumulation of communities in Kathmandu, is built of Lamaism temples, especially in the Kathmandu Valley is the largest of several Buddhist monasteries around, if you do not have these devout Buddhist Tibetan tirelessly carrying forward, as the birthplace of Buddhism, Buddhist Nepal here have already lost.

From Pago Tan (Patan) along the highway to the East is the Kathmandu Valley of another city-Bhaktapur (Bhaktapur) until the fifteenth century ago, this used to be the Kingdom of Nepal during the Malawi country.

Bhaktapur (Bhaktapur) du bus Plaza and Kathmandu, Tan Royal square pattern and look very similar, but more old and full of charm.

The early morning mist, hardworking people hurry to begin a day of livelihoods.

Plaza management very neat, the specialist is responsible for cleaning workUnlike Kathmandu du Pakistan square then COO, garbage everywhere. Feeding the pigeons on the square, a quiet, peaceful atmosphere. No Jiademandudubaguangchang the crowds on the sullen, nor the land of vendors. The streets here than in the other two cities, more quiet and tidy, neither the city nor zaoza rarely droves of tourists, you can wander freely in an ancient world.

Sometimes, just pass a walk, you will have a timelapse illusion, it is not know Palace in the entry.

This build with cordierite pagoda, and the surrounding red brick Palace constitutes a clear contrast, as the years of invasion, Dim cordierite surface issued a bronze-like light, Yager rustic texture. The Snake's fountain sculpting, Chinese like a man-made Totem-Dragon, and the culture of India, Nepal, the Snake is always very fascinating, and the snake related sculptures can be seen everywhere.

If you are on a mysterious and ancient cultural interest, Kathmandu Valley massive monuments will make you forget to return to the old building is in no way inferior to those of ancient China, though sometimes somewhat dilapidated, but definitely be authentic.

(More photos, please see my blog:

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