Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nepal travel dictionary

Autumn in October to the long-awaited Nepal tours for ten years before starting their day on the Internet to collect a lot of information about Nepal travel to Nepal and found-a lot of information is outdated. back finishing the following updates to 08 October Nepal tourism information, hope to those useful after that.

Nepal visas:

Although Nepal on Chinese tourists to grant visas, but due to the Chinese border is not allowed without a visa for China tourists exit, visas for Chinese tourists useless in Beijing, Shanghai and Tibet can Visa, you can also find a travel agent, we find the gztc agent visa, 600RMB each, but visa time to arrange comfortable, best 10 days in advance.

In addition, passport expiry date must be from the travel date (and not Visa) for six months or more, otherwise, even if less one day, when the exit will be refused.


Ticket costs accounted for Nepal Tourism for more than half of total costs was necessary in order to buy-in to a cheaper ticket more about comparison. I found the international ticket price information transparency is low, discount rarely. first I asked the Guangzhou China Southern Airlines direct flight to Kathmandu a return ticket is 6500RMB, a day to ask the same flights is 5500, another day is 5400, last transaction with 5400-don't know why air fares in one day drop thousand.

Nepal currency

Rupee, with RMB exchange rate of approximately 10: 1, changers are everywhere, but in all the airport exchange words have to pay fees, the fees are not cheap. other changers are generally free of charge. If you have $ get dollars rupees to cost-effective some guidance was also not used directly or US dollar payment, such as no-show. many hotels for visitors are US dollar quotations.


Play table, plus all the taxi price than the most expensive Guangzhou also you have just arrived in Canada-when you think you can easily put the TAXI price cut down, who know that simply cut fixed. also thought my owner doesn't allow hard doesn't work, but later asked about other tourists discovered are almost. by contrast if it is a local person car, half-price cheaper once there is a travel agency of the local people to help us make a car that is more than our own that nearly half of cheap, but when we are back from boccara and found plus all TAXI and nice owner doesn't allow it, do not know is not tanned treat us the local people in Canada are also if you want to go to a hotel taxi, TAXI drivers often don't know where the hotel, and then take you everywhere find Department asked, then, of course, fares rise up so it is best to take a hotel business card, business card has the following general art hotel location map.

Nepal hotel.

Apart from that, Nepal Hotel basically cheap hotels all. extra is also expensive and not good-when the itinerary plus live not too long. for example, arrangements to de post and Naga profile live we stayed in Nepal, only 12 nights at a 3-night live, but for the flight is too late to arrive, stay 2 night is enough in Canada, and Bard hillock hotel GUESTHOUSE, often called Naga profile, Chitwan hotels often called RESORT.

Living in Naga profile is very pleasant, very many the hotel really is lying in bed you can see snow. The Mountain Inn tingduo, but is more decentralized, non-interference, is very quiet. The hotel is not large, some just 10 rooms, shop attendants are also rare, but clean and tidy.

Nepal diet.

See all people get used to it is not in the habit of words-introduction to bokhara of Chinese restaurant in fish in the Lake restaurant, Villa opposite, personally feel that smell than another Orchid restaurant in the restaurant to road.

Nepal Basic is not see vegetables, on the ground do not see the kind of field vegetables, eat your vegetables and only in the restaurant, so see the Greens are very rare. In other words the most restaurant Chinese tourists is all kinds of fried rice.

Nepal Lantern Festival

The tour had the privilege to meet Nepal Lantern Festival. There are 5 days of Nepal during the Lantern Festival, the first day of King Crow, second day King dog, third day King Mammon "raksi m", the fourth day King public cattle, the fifth day is Sister Brother "point red", the third day is the Lantern Festival, the most important day, in that each House are all in the room door, stairs, even the roof point on rows of oil lamps, window door hanging yellow garlands.

On this day the most happy children. girls dressed in traditional clothes, dressed, small groups, with a dustpan, in various shop door, sing and dance masters of the charity money. boys you directly in the shop door screeching voice for play rewards. it was also called to tourists for a reward, but will first seek the visitors agree that the children will show for tourists. The second day of the dog Kai Li minute is also very interesting, many dogs neck were wearing garlands. we as unknown in this day and bought Garland hat, attracted a lot of people in the street giggle, we puzzled for a long time didn't cause onlookers. Luckily blocked.

Nepal's political

Traveling abroad should not talk about politics in general-personal feel that Nepal's masters of consciousness is strong, the three political enthusiasm is high, from the Street Parade, the conduct of debates on TV can see. I do not know is the result of the introduction of republicanism or has always been so.

Nepal's music

Nepal's music with India is like a song often approach the ten minutes quite nice., especially the Nepal drum has a lot of character, it is worth to buy CD back to Nepal, . recommended album


English is the official language of Nepal, a land of farmers can speak English, restaurant 7-year-old child can also use the English menu.


With ordinary phone calls to China phone charges exorbitant. However in the Internet cafes make IP phone is much cheaper, and all Internet calls to China only 5 rupees for one minute.


Surfing the Internet.

Many Internet cafes are the only cheap. extra is the Internet.

Power outage

We only Bard posts and Naga profile was a power outage, Nepal's power supply is much better now, but still required a flashlight. Hotel generally have candles.


Chinese do not have the habit of tipping-Chinese tourists to foreign tourism is expected to hit the tip of doubt: when to leave a tip? according to Western movies seems to be afterwards to give tips for reward, but our Chitwan experience tells us the best prior to the tour. Chitwan our tour guide Jerry cut some play project-run towards the end we still gave him a tip after tip-miracle happened, the Guide-o much better attitude, and a temporary increase to us to other outing project. I thought if the start to the tour guide tips, our trip would be interesting to listen to many other tourists say?, riding like prior to flooding when if you like people would go line tips will be better. ex-post to tip is passive reward, prior to tip is active buying service. When should really give a tip when you leave the building until the Nepal I didn't understand this problem.

Local travel agencies

With the Exchange store, Internet as much. Local tour operators offer a variety of services, such as rafting, hiking, tickets, hotel booking, buzzy. even tours, you will inevitably and local travel agencies play a few bickering.


Embassy of the people's Republic of China in, Tel: 01-4411740. takes note of the Embassy to photography, especially the Embassy of the United States, otherwise they will have unexpected trouble. we do not watch out in the United States Embassy took a picture that will be loaded ammunition's cross-examine Nepal soldiers into the closet, and a dozen minutes and passport photographs we adopt. I wonder if next time you run Nepal visas will be refused cross-examination of. However, the officer responsible for the attitude is very good, not great smile on his face-visible to tourists is Nepal were very friendly. this point in a later trip constantly experience.

For money

In Nepal will often come across all kinds of people in various ways to tourists for money, but don't worry are all non-violent. Nepal culture on asked for money have different interpretations, the fusion of Western culture and Oriental gratuities charity culture. individuals understand is: your money is helping you do as the Romans do, Jada. to respect other people's customs in walking the road we met with a lot of kids to our candy, clever point child is a lined with open bar, dancing, singing "Firiri" until we leave 10 rupees buy road money-if you want to see the dance can be anxious to money, and so the children jump after another. such "fees" on the way there are still many, so walking before more ready to change. hotel restaurant all are subject to 10% service charge. usual to tip is also very common in Canada are at the airport before the flight, our two not large by TAXI from left luggage office ticket counters this to a short road, it has undergone three automatically before the "help" on the one hand, of course also gives tips for three times in the departure hall. substantial Web site advertising, through the Web site you can send money online to Nepal.

Plus all airport departure tax

Has risen to 1695 rupees one of the people. Rupee is not enough available RMB complement.

Kathmandu (Kathmandu)

Often there are Chinese tourists to Canada are dissatisfied, mainly because the messy. Another way to see if you can see full street crowded with cars and people, but rarely saw a dispute, which also scenery. people enjoy original vocals at the same time, I also have to take the original ecology of disordered. Moreover, with many monuments.

Plus all du bus Plaza. (


World cultural heritage-the square has many temple building, but there is no tag to describe, not easy to distinguish which temple which building, such as many local interpretation provides livelihoods. sometimes there are also Chinese interpretation, costs are a good owner doesn't allow the. Bard gang du bus Plaza at this point to do well, Bard gang du bus ticket includes the square a tour guide, there are main temple photos. Click to visit is.

De Royan Brattle Temple (Swayambhunath Stupa)

Buddhist temples, commonly known as the monkey Temple, the temple has many monkeys and, not far from the Tamil region of Nepal's Buddhist temples-with Tibetan Buddhist temples like, such as hanging Scripture, prayer wheels, but also has its own architectural features, mainly white round-bottom on top of a URN, urn for the Quartet are art Buddha eyes.

Paspa Cristina Temple (PASHUPATINATH)

Hindu temple, India Christians cremation ground. tourists and cremation point distance unexpectedly close, can easily be cremation of Smokey. into the door shall be done mentally prepared.

Boda Harvard Tower (BOUDHANATH)

Buddhist temples, commonly known as little Tibet. From paspa Cristina Temple is very near the stupa. here is the biggest.

Tamil (THAMEL)

Plus all the tourist shopping district, a bustling. visitors like to live in the area. newcomers in the area then we often shop around got lost.

Pago Tan (PATAN)

Distance and are separated by a river, the main attractions is the Phra tandu bus Plaza. (

DURBAR SQUARE) and jinmiao.

Bard posts (BHAKTAPUR)

Locations in Canada are going to Naga profile in the middle of the road, in the itinerary is Bard posts and Naga profile to join together to play the main attractions is the old town square and the du PA, du Pakistan square in old town, with a Chinese passport buy tickets cheaper, many of the ancient city of Lijiang. a bit of relax road, Nepal traditional flavor stronger, it is worth in this live one night, recommended GOL

DEN GATE GUEST HOUSE on the edge of the square du bus. Bard gang of wood carving and cheap and Nice.

Chang ancient Narayan Temple (CHANGU NARAYAN TEMPLE)

The world's cultural heritage, a very old temples, from Bard posts about 5KM. available from Bard posts a taxi journey.

Naga profile (NAGARKOT)

See Himalayan Snow good place, neither from plus local bus direct to Naga profile, a taxi fare 1500 rupees. Bard posts have local bus to and from the Naga profile, but was on the roof are full of people. Naga profile eat live conditions is very good, inexpensive, scenery, not to mention, is definitely a good place for a holiday, we live in a hotel of Curry Chicken is the best I ever ate Curry Chicken, chicken juice can even send down a bowl of rice. it is the hotel name, Hotel Snowman from the hotel to the lookout walk to an hour, or a taxi to. However is not easy to see that Everest, EVEREST, Everest to Nepal.

Chitwan (CHITWAN)

Go to Chitwan play a relatively easy method is to participate in the local travel agencies in Chitwan PACKAGE, the price of approximately 60-70 USD per person, including accommodation, meals and excursion tickets, elephant, two multi-ride, is the second leg of the Chitwan to bokhara. Riding the elephant or very fun, subsequently heard prior to Elephant Man tip so go line will be better, but we spend money on to buy bananas to feed an elephant, 100 rupees only a few root in like back we close in on the rhinoceros family is planted in that time they-a beach Repulse in washing was happy to sit in the kayak is-a good idea of the project in a canoe, you can see the crocodile in the lazy Sun, also in the evening from birdwatching. watching sunset River back to the hotel, you will see many roadside figure super large corridor, is elephants came home these tourism elephant was private, it is said that about two million one-we started out buy elephants here everyday to make nice in tourists, which day elephant born elephant that earn big day haven't all black began dreaming-in the evening you can go to see stars, will find many of great stars, abnormal on. takes note of the evening do not open the window screen. our screens just broke a small hole, flew into the room of various insects, bed was black piece.

Bokhara (POKHARA)

Finally came to the longing of bokhara, the legendary South Switzerland in bokhara love how to play all rows, even doing nothing is also a good choice for a fee. every day baby Lake and the fishtail peak will never feel that long. In bokhara play project too much.


Here is a paradise for hikers, if not try hard heart unwilling. but you do not want too hard to find a local travel agency. thus about a minimum and a maximum of landscape as much as possible to see the line, time is two days, one night, you can avoid the mountain pass-line as follows:

First day: Lamechour-àHyangia--> Suichet---àAstern---àDhital---àDhampus 5 hours or so, in this way, Dhampus. can see white water river, fishtail peak and endless countryside.

The next day, there are two options, the first mountain to Dhampus: from phedi ride, takes less than two hours.

Second choice: Dhampus---> Nandanda------àSarangkot------àLake, to go to 16: 00 o'clock we compare lazy, chose the first programme in the mountains when shop proprietress living tells us that all the meat on the menu and the dishes are discontinued. only delicious day-a-bed conditions are relatively poor, hard night.

Snowy Mountains.

We are in October to Nepal's 12-day period in, and not at any time to see snow in the morning before nine General snow-capped mountain is the most clear, evening sunset is also relatively clear that other time snow-capped obscured by cloud base. In bokhara everywhere can see fishtail peak, best guanshan point in Salins profile.

Saram profile (SARANGKOT)

From bokhara taxi to Saram profile required for half an hour to see the sunrise. If you do not want to get up too early, you can live in Salins profile mountain Tavern, one out of the door you can see the sunrise.

Car rental

We hired motorbike rides along the Lake, to the north end of the Lake, to the South to David falls. when driving to constantly remind yourself to the left to go. oil not inclusive.

David falls (Devi ' s Fall)

Just enter the door can't find where the waterfall, only heard the sound of the waterfall. original underground waterfall hidden in it.

Fee WA Lake (Phewa Lake)

Why bokhara called South Switzerland? I guess is because there is this fee under snow baby Lake is Lake canoeing-bokhara best play project.

(Lantern Festival)

(Dog Kai Li minute)

(Walking on the road)

(Sara, wide Snow Mountain)

(Na widened Snow Mountain)

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