Thursday, February 2, 2012

The long road 50 India visa (2)

The last experience that feeling now to India Embassy visa was not much, so a later departure. 8-point-something reached the Embassy, as usual, there is a first in the small cafe door on a sheet of paper registration, the first night for one hour, also ranked No.8. Sign up to be a certainty, Tuk after dining chair, point on a cup of tea, it's leisure.

Not long after, inadvertently looked out the window a, Wow, this would work outside the Chinese Embassy has been queuing up a long queue in front of the fear of night out!, the sign-in will be voided, rush rush out queued honestly.

He asked a few people on the front of the team of "your registration number?", most people grew and haw is a young man says he is 7, then standing to his left behind, in front of wool guesses are lined with twenty people. People see us on the back of the queue, although diplomats, but also gave up. Some people took, but come very late, causing queues to strong dissatisfaction, there are ways to find soldiers reasoning, they get what they want.

9: 30 start-and-drop, first at the Visa Counter (Counter No.2) window, as is long, slowly inched forward.

11: 15 and finally to the window, handed passports, application forms, a photograph, airfares, last received the receipt. Or the last time that the visa officer, drink tea, edge phone, edge control data to a stack of Clearance. Really lucky, a few pieces to turn to, I grilled the window a glance to see us. Previously heard of India Embassy often occur lost Clearance, or delay in the fax event, but fortunately it didn't happen on my body. However my analysis, may be the first person to apply for a visa, went out to play a ring, and come back for a second visa, have long been a set of three working days, which may also become not find cause of Clearance.

The visa officer will receipts and photos of the nail in the application form, in the table on the "3 months 3050Rs", together with the Passport ticket pass me, said: "ticket copy, and then go to the Tourist Visa (Counter No.3) queue" window.

I long relief, knowing that victory in sight.

Copying is completed, the queue again, another long wait, 12: 30 to finally.

This window is like China visa Registrar, wears glasses, face serious, so think of those who deal with students with a set of training centre Director. A look at my hand into two individual, his frown, immediately back to me, said to be a one handed, I quickly tried to do so.

Accept the data, the visa officer began to beat up on the computer keyboard.

The hiking was Nepal Wizard told me Nice, Sikkim Velei Sikkim this mysterious place that is full of yearning, previously done the homework, ctrip larvae, also mentioned Sikkim, know that foreigners go to Sikkim must first run the pass. I am toying, it may be here, if you can do here, it was terrific to pass.

"We can go to Sikkim?" asked me to heuristically.


He spoke confidently answer let me no counteroffer. "Do not allow to Sikkim. "He added. I heard that I have the desire to go to Sikkim, countersunk typing he slowed down the typing speed, vigilance and looked up at me, aggressive and asked: "why do you want to go to Sikkim? you give me a reason to go to Sikkim! you are not going to do business?"

I quickly explained: "because in Nepal Tourism period, listen to a Nepal that Sikkim is very beautiful, we just want to go sightseeing, definitely not going to do business.

He no longer say, go to dd question, I can't say anything for fear of affecting the streaked India visa.

Finally, the visa officer to receive visa fee 3050Rs/person, 16: 30 ~ 17: 15 for a visa. I'm sure India visa silverware, although aware of Sikkim's little hope, but still with a miracle happened, afternoon seen!

Fix India visa, decided to go to the Pakistan Embassy sailed, consult the visa.

Query maps, ask people to finally find a trail. Pakistan Embassy door lock, door guarded by soldiers of the one. Hesitation on the ground before knocking at the door of small steel doors. From door to soldiers hsuan, he told us to wait a minute, then shut the door to a closed position. A minute later, the door was open, standing in the doorway of a middle-aged man. He was wearing a Jersey vest, face and neck hangs sweaty like just bath, how to look like the Embassy staff. Hsuan again, he said that the Embassy has moved, visa is not here to do. We took out the map, his fingers on the map above, we are slowly to the edge of the map, quickly, stops, "is here!" the Embassy moved to the Ring Road north, near Narayan Gopal Chowk. Good far Ah, go go, tomorrow morning.

16: 30 three into the Embassy of India, the moment of the passport, eagerly looking at three months single entry visa is finally available! while applying for a multiple entry, and finally to a single.

Visa does not have any endorsement of the, on Sikkim, Sikkim is out of the question, but still feel that this get India visa process was very smooth. Not only is their own, each to the passport of the people face are hung up smiles, these international mix, maybe we will have the opportunity to meet again in India!

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