Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Come with me lvxing Tibet Nepal India (6): visit the Shiva temple, open-air burning carcasses

Visit Shiva temple, watch corpse of open burning

17 July 2007 in the morning for visas, afternoon we went to visit Kathmandu urban Shiva temple Shiva Temple.

Here is also called burn the body Temple. It is said that Shiva is in charge of transmigration, Nepal after death will come here to open the cremation.

I heard that we are going to the Shiva temple in longyou for volunteers for a Chinese girl Lao Sun he Xiao Sun also want to go, we will work together to four.

She came here only for a week and would like to volunteer work two to three months. Tube round trip fare and here for accommodation, not wage. She made the Cook here. For young people, that's fine, no need to spend a lot of money, you can in a foreign country life a few months, both services to others, and for yourself.

This girl is not just for a week in the streets of Kathmandu as NET in clarifying the direction.

Under her leadership, we walk to the bus station near the Partner Park, each flower 10 rupees came to Shiva temple. Get off and ask for directions, a local girl who said she was passing through there, we followed her, come to a junction, she has to turn to tell us to go on, go to a small river, walk along the River to the left. We as she said, a few minutes to see a river, along the river walk, you see a lot of people in the river and see what we have in the past, there are as many fire on fire, the original is on fire. No wonder people call it burned corpse Temple. The River is more than ten metres wide, the water flow urgently, we're standing on the other side of the River, here are a dozen and a half metres high, two metres wide and long, a metre wide of cement, the platform on which Bowl rough wood, the first the body in river water dip, then placed in the Middle, then above wood covered with a layer of wood, and then point to cinders, from time to time also saw there a long stick stir until everything is burning black ash, put them forward River. Ashes on the water flows away with. Corpse in the burn rig behind with top of the Gallery, families can rest there. In Nepal after death as relatives and we are very sad. We saw a middle-aged man in a prior to burning man cried her eyes, people had to leave his frame. Estimated that should be his father. Just burn the carcasses of the River, saw several people from time to time to jump in and swim to swim, I also think they can swim here, later heard that they are capable of finding objects of silver and gold jewellery. Maybe the way they handled very original, but their attitude towards death with more advanced than us.

Looking through the side of the bridge, see many sell souvenirs, just like our tourist attractions nearby.

Looked at, we come to the bridge, there is a man with English asked: Do you have tickets, ladies? (Ladies, do you have?) looked back was a uniformed man, that is to see him behind a cabin with Ticket Counter, so here is the ticket office, we quickly turned to walk, go out and around in a circle, in side, we the scarecrow, continue to play in it. In Nepal, many attractions are no door, if you don't understand English, sometimes it is too easy to get his ticket office.

To get off just after the girl on the go, forget to remember road, after five or six should not find alighting junctions, and finally had to take a taxi back to 100 rupees.

At eight in the evening, the Lao Sun he Xiao Sun took us to the Tamil's bakery bread buy discount.

Out of Office before the others from the Internet travels in this information, but they also really can not find, during the day, and always get lost, the evening even more afraid to go out. In Tamil there are several bakeries after five o'clock.

The waiting to buy bread when I met a family from France to Chinese, 40 years old for a couple and their daughter of twenties.

I heard the next day to go to Palestine Tegang, insisted on tour with us. Look at all the Chinese people's sake we agreed.

(For more, please see Sina Blog: the dream of the olive tree's BLOG:

(Shiva temple)

The River burning carcasses

After burning, push the river flow away ... ...

(See burning river mouths people)

(Temple of the monkey)

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