Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nepal tours (several functionally illiterate elderly travel documentary)

Nepal (Nepal) become my 20 years of travel first career go abroad travel, not deliberately choose. only because, prior to travel in Tibet for nearly a month later, the southern Himalayas, Shun this down, go watch is referred to as "the World Park" this beautiful small. below is me in Nicaraguan tour diary.

07 May 21 twice three surprise surprise xia

Yesterday, our line of five people in Tibet nyalam County zham town stay for a day, with a 1: 8.75 Nepal rupee exchange good, know well the customs formalities (visa to Lhasa in Shanghai, completed).

Before 9 am today to customs border people queued. Customs many foreigners more Chinese people rarely turn verify clearance.. question when it was my turn, a female civil servant looked at me in Shanghai Consulate visa after ask another male civil servants: Shanghai visa? blink, I was astounded: If no, unexpected side, not worse? a daily access to hundreds of border crossings of the border service officers, even only to Nepal, Tibet, Beijing, Shanghai, the Embassy or Consulate to visas are not clear, not monstrous absurdity. Fortunately, the male civil servants are not confused.

Out of the border to the country, there are 8000 meters down the road, playing for 500 metres drop and circling, it was only after the country outside of the friendship bridge-bridge across the wood of the ballasting down wave song River. Built in 1998, the high 6.8 m, length 80 metres in the bridge looks back at the wood of the town, high in the steep ravine slope, 2100 2300 meters above sea level to China many, may at least, the most pressing ze.

The bridge is Nepal Kodari (Kdale) port-man car very confused it Customs is a humble beside the House, not only of the door card, it seems very loose on management.

Learning to people, to form for entering, table necessary photos. in this connection, I am not prepared, it can't find. another surprise xia! if you are not that bad! is filled, Nikos Chinese officers to stop, you do not have to fill in, sign per person over 200 Yuan (, coins, the same below) they can be registered before it was relieved, smooth customs clearance.

Roadside bus coach cars, go to Kathmandu (Kathmandu) takes a long time Midway, we find a long-term Charter, straight to the capital, 122 km, $ 2500, and quickly move on.

Car from wave song (Nepal is known as the wave reaches the River Pokoda) next to the River southwest in rivers flow into Saint Kossi before 20 km is the scenery beautiful lot. paragraph Canyon, mountain for Himalayan mixed gneiss, the slope of the steep forest density, often falls suspension. There is a steep cliff is a bungee game station-Canyon of slope instability, a section of highway is good for some, good is asphalt, difference is downstream Earth road., Hillside Valley is the loess 1800 meters above sea level, the following appears in the subtropical vegetation, fern sympodial .800 meters visibility Palm tree.

There are still many villages in the Valley, the houses are red brick two-tier or three-storey building, except instead of paint, wall and domestic General village in the East to the people most like. surprised is child-more-door often three or four flocks. carrying children women feet always has one or two hands, how much of a deal than children.

Another impact vision is: the bus coming and going of many mountains, are left row. the oncoming car, it seems to be crashing like strange, especially at the top of the can bus passengers, sometimes sit tight, it seems quite happy. want to come in different fares and car, accountable?

Through Saint Kossi jumped on the West side of 1800 meters of mountain, mountain and a large number of clay stratum slope farming out-the terrace, the mountain pass a gentle. entering the Kathmandu Valley, the villages of Highway and more dense, more and more busy. Chowdhury Kerr (Dhulikhel), Cato wave (Chittapol) town streets and steep gibberish.

Three hours later, the car had white GE Mattie River (Bagmatl) to Kathmandu dongjiao. from East to West through the urban areas, traffic comparison bustle, motorcycle more mess dress unordered. after new red brick wall, in front of the Palace is the foreign tourists by Tommy (Tnamel) area.

Drivers make inquiries to find the hotel longyou. This is the companion piece in online to see the Chinese people and in Lhasa hotel-and shopkeepers did contact the place it is a very beautiful courtyard or small floor. bath triple room per person per day 200 Yuan, the cheaper this fall couch.-is the shop no one-pass Chinese, shopkeeper actually has changed hands a bit for us this is not convenient.

In the afternoon, take to the streets prowled, Tommy district around the shop a get-a-facade are mostly of a Bay, goods of fabulous. for visitors to prepare small commodity-of silver jewelry, religious items, arts and crafts, books and illustrated ...

More special is separated by 5 home a pan currency changers. here's Renminbi and the price is lower than the Nepal currency zham.

Visitors in Chinese rare, no Chinese store-a Phoenix hotel is Sichuan opened. we where just in Tibet travel times meet three Chongqing people. they have been around for a few days, will soon be home tomorrow is going to move, we come here to live, easy language.

22 may, the country of the world cultural heritage

Kathmandu is located at 27 degrees north latitude, and altitude of 1350 m-perennial mild climate the difference with the Beijing night 2 hours 1 minute clock, first came to be a bit uncomfortable.

We got up early, change of hotel, eat free Chinese breakfast, start sights. the Kathmandu Valley, a total of seven of the world cultural heritage, are not far apart, we are going to be near and far to visit despatin (Patan), Amadou Toumani Touré BA (Durbar) square-map is our guide.

Pago Tan is an ancient city, is also a city close to the South of the capital--and white-Tisza River as the Goma-we play to the rear of the trio-packed four people will do, no one interferes. Street

The police rarely, regardless of whether this kind of thing we gradually felt that this was a comfortable relaxation, indulgence and management of the community.

Taxi over the River, stop at the City entrance, begin walking in the city, the narrow lanes and old houses, a few step have small temple, Temple, pagoda, pure holy God territories.

Amadou Toumani Touré BA Plaza set construction more than ten block, the big temples, towers there are seven of them-the shrine, Temple, a Temple altar. clock are square, Tower two or three large eaves. sizes, decrepit ordered. various types of building of doors and Windows, and beam, diagonal has very fine, beautiful wood carvings, sculptures, often before the temple-the tall stone pillar, a stone statue at the top of the square there is the Dove-fly, and the very lively.

Where tourists are small traders who stared at, after repeatedly trying to sell their goods; General higher bid-70% to 80% in deficient head. I see a hand-carved wooden flute, think of his granddaughter named the school's flute was small stars, purchase and fooled. high quote three times that of a deal, the first being deceived.

Lunch, return to Tommy. peer wants to eat steak, you do not want to enter Western food shop, afraid of the language barrier and suffer. finally found on the window with a "welcome Chinese people eat steak" notice. may come from waiter to the landlord, not one of them-the same Chinese, menus are in English. cattle ranking next several paragraphs with blind ignorant I selected a mid-range price, mind nervous, I do not know what will be sent up a long time, fetch-is sizzling steak, thick 2 large blocks, together with vegetable, volume much everybody stuffed belly, command of a field.

After dinner, back to the hotel bathroom lunch break recent near-15 points-to Kathmandu Durr-square-also known as the Imperial Palace Plaza is located in the South., Tommy is also a world cultural heritage-here concentrated distribution 16 ~ 19 century built 50 temples and palaces, a Grand vehemence. probably because non-built during the same period, causing a disheveled structured layout but there is a feature-which protect the building is not stopped by the ring, which is integrated with the street, and public life is closely linked to many on the steps of the temple are all the people sitting there idle play.

Whether it is unique in form in the octagonal Gallery shall then (Krishna) Temple, or rectangular building style gallery Mary Temple (Kumari), their beauty is refined building elements making sculpture, is art EPAN. Gallery Mary monastery in front of the second Buddha painted mythological more WINS human eyes.

All shrines of architectural style and Phra tāndūr bus Plaza is the same as the temple, savor, and our country, between Datang architecture seems to exist a link will be South of Nara?

Amadou Toumani Touré BA square surrounded by the ancient district of Kathmandu, the narrow streets of uneven. close housing, low doors and Windows, the man in the dissemination of glistening temples. larger temples, central square, the houses erected around then stupas around, there are special spring, every household in the Kap Shui Mun. this sight reminiscent of medieval European religious rule community.

People say that Nepal's Pomegranate juice is very good to drink more fluids, Garnet, less can be made to drink, have never seen, purposely find a fruit shop taste taste buds, the original is Garnet on Sugarcane juice squeezed juice apparatus, then add to the taste sugarcane sauce with sweet and delicious drink, are doing now, 40 a Cup.

May 23, unsightly open body ritual

Phoenix hotel on the roof of the free breakfast was great. elegant environment, cool, a vast field of thick, light-porridge-bean curd mustard eat to weishu intestinal yun.

The morning went to the East 8 km of Passo tirumalai that (Pashupatinath), is a world heritage, the Hindu shrines. Nepal is the world's only Hindu Buddhist State. at the same time, they also prevails where the famous Orient. Shiva founded in 1697, 879, Nepal's King to be converted into gold plated big roof tower construction, stands in white gomati far West Bank, you can see.

We follow the River upstream, to the South baishiqiao before see River masonry cement footholds fangfang piled neatly on the platform of firewood in the know, approached maobaiyan is Nepal's cremation platform. lying on the surface of wood crib on the body was covered with debris, being fired, dew with two foot walk south baishiqiao, find-the temple-sur-cremation platform before a deceased to cremation, bridge downstream is poor and Dalit cremation ground, bridge upstream is the rich man's Ascension Department. in this connection in the river of sitting down, beside baitalin detailed unsightly cremation of the whole process.

A portrait of the mortal remains first stopped at the cremation ceremony began, on stage-will be carried to the relatives of the Dead River, feet immersed in wetting. presumably meaning the deceased Bon voyage. and then lift the tempering of the stage, Chai crib on relatives and friends circle around the body, slaughtering, will be blessed. ceremony of BI, family of the deceased's clothes, accessories take down into the River remains saddled with with white-, override the firewood, chest down on butter, start ignition. all funeral leave, people can't hear little cry. then, staff increase the fire burning, burning things are pushed into the River.

This funeral, appears to be rude, but it is a complete materialist. all students do not have to die away. end of life is something natural, without mercy Miss.

South baishiqiao Nan Tu several mendicant monk dressed Aryans, naked, powder surface oil body, weird scary, they specifically for visitors photo, collect the money for a living. other nuns staring tourists when the Guide to make money, can speak English cute look.

The South has a large South baishiqiao Baita grows into its styling and-Beijing xisi Miaoying Baita, although it is for the hand of Nepal building House, the former is like a string of stupa.

The North Shore, South baishiqiao brilliant Titans Burr goddess worshipped Shiva temple, the temple sacrifice linhe there was a temple, you can see the witch dance in sacrificial. we desire into Brae, visit Temple, unaccounted. originally, Hindu temples no entry for non-Christians broke, once the serious consequences.

From Passo mention, small tour takes us to go to wave

Dana (B0udna) station, 20 minutes ' walk to the world here in cultural heritage is a South Asia's largest stupa-Bo Daha (Banddha) Baita. Tower high 36 m, 400 m of perimeter-high four layer on top of the stone is the tomb of the Park, is a square Tower, the tower are all painted face eyes and the nose, very unique you no matter where, it seems always watching you, the Tower's circle gold curtains floating hung with Scripture, colourful.

White Tower surrounded by several Tibetan Temple, a bit size small. Dana as early as ancient is the gateway to Tibet's trade to ... the 1950s, the influx of refugees from Tibet Nepal mostly settled here, here and now-Tibetan arts and crafts shops and numerous art galleries, Tibetan culture, Tibetan international hotel, become the land of the Tibetan people gathered, known as the little Tibet in Nepal; there are also some Han Chinese in this business we finding cars back in the street, there are businessmen, active in Sichuan to help, feel more cordial.

Lunch in the hotel bathroom breaks, 1600 when the Sun is inclined to the western suburbs of waya cloth (Swayambhu), is a world heritage site, Tibetan Buddhist shrine.

Bhubaneshwar-cloth large stupa is located on a small hill, the styling was seen Bardon, white class with. Unlike people face between square Tower is not a brick, but the constant RADIUS gradually decrease the circular metal parts to build, and therefore more glittering, it often is selected as the flag of Nepal, published in various types of text books.

Great stupa surrounded with many forms of Buddhist shrine, Temple, pagoda, like the bamboo shoots like building a House with-Thailand charms, built on Lotus Pool Buddha. no Chinese temple it a thousand times are rigorous monotonous.

Hill forest complements, elevation 1406 m. can all Kathmandu Valley. in addition to the capital of built-up, the cottage is also very close, a huge piece of human residence. estimated 10 percent of the population live here-whether climate, transport, economic, cultural and other aspects are the best host.

Piedmont is also a large number of Tibetan Buddhist temples, rows of white tower and the Palace seems to be newly-developed, incense boom.

The Buddhist holy mountain, up and down throughout the monkey was commonly known as the monkey house-the monkeys not like Sichuan Emei mountain, away from the crowd, but in close contact with people in their droves to village-feed, in the street and walk through the people back and forth, Nepal has very good protection of wild animals, maintenance of ecological environment of traditional, not easily hurt any animals that are not in the square keep point display, and pigeon as is from the heart of the popular Chinese curse., Crow, the Crow as auspicious bird. urban rural everywhere you can see many species of birds. This may be busy broke our companion piece, anywhere at any time shooting non-stop. He is the world's Wildlife Association of volunteers, my flower Association Oh.

Sunset time back to Tommy, five functionally illiterate and want to eat, look for Nepal fingers to find out, saw a child meal delivery to the shop after the come out, all trailing closely follow, the results with the dwelling but not meals home! language of wasted power. Nepal generally pass English, but we are semi-literate full language blind. their national language, not to mention-lean body language pointing, physical schematic, and haw finally found a native Nepal who opened small hotels, eat the chicken Pilaf pilaf. now eat mostly use Western dishes eaten with its taste and almost in Xinjiang, oil less ..

We did not call any vegetable, this meal, waited for an hour. really imparted their deliberate style, good customers less.

Back to the hotel on the road, the companion will be built backpack zipper que, even of a $ 250, this is me after the second trap got slaughtered. we laugh at him, today the body is deliberately go near, and let the ghost touches head with Kenya! maybe people have money, the value will change.

24 May to go to a tourist destination, l

Bokhara (Poknara), from 200 km northwest of the capital-the early morning, the hotel waiter takes us through the lanes to telephone station on main street-by hotel reservation for our yesterday's ticket on the bus from the car-traffic mixed city East West-wound, spent nearly an hour out of the city, West.

The more out of the Kathmandu Valley, are all the way to the village in mountain area. not many excellent Green Hill-. rare Ken implantation. Nepal is a mountainous country, has a total area of 14 million square kilometers, only 20% of arable land, to survive and multiply in 22 million population, but the protection of the natural environment is more than our strong. they must have known that their back against the Himalayan mountains, the terrain very different, if the existence of environmental damage, the consequences will be disastrous-not to mention, tourism is their core industries.

By car via two specifically designed for the traveler to establish food kiosks. environmental and facilities have got very clean, very comfortable-as a view in my memory, the search is not to the country's various transit have similar settings.

About 1600 reach bokhara bus station, the scenic hotel to soliciting accommodation, with his live in ha'afeva Lake (Pnewa) River and free ride, just like his hotel., the shopkeeper put prices on Nepal's higher, their language, is very hard to beat the traffic for a long time, fortunately again encountered in Tibet journey times meet Yunnan deqin feilai Temple "watch 6740" Hotel Tour-Ken will she a person lives in a double room for up to settle properly. can the Lake's standard room $ 160 per person per day, cheap and Hangzhou West Lake side of the hotel is just no comparison.

The immediate costs Siwa at green mountains embrace, popple. House Lake of grass Beach and a few red, White House, and more luster, eye-catching. only is cloudy, thunderstorm, tomorrow will slowly tastes.

5/25/ha'afeva lakefront bike leisure tour

Sunrise came to the viewing platform ha'afeva Lake, blue mist floating on the Lake.

Lake domain is North West-Eastern to distribution of the gourd-shaped, about 3.5 square kilometers, elevation 805 m. at this point, the quiet drop of sound waves does. Lake low hills thick forest green so glamorous, Lake of grass grassland green as covered with a blanket. a leaf in a boat, coming from a distance, but silent interest, human and the nature of harmonious peace. here sight nothing artificial craftsmanship, showing the natural qualities, feast for the eyes.

After breakfast, per person to rent a bicycle (12 yuan/hour) along the Northeast ha'afeva Lake Shore, cycling to the Northwest of upstream Hukou. paragraph 4 — 5 km are asphalted road, after a period of about 4-5 km are on the road and rock road, very few people in the car, good sunny day riding., ride rewards King relaxed and happy.

The sediment in the upper reaches of the River, son of sedimentary formation triangle Hukou, sand bars. with already lush farmland, rice Wo; there is a shoal, wetland, the scent of wild horses and low first, those fields are good scenery cottage continuously, along-side of farmhouse restaurant lot.

We are in a terrace-restaurant dining rewards King. language barriers, and couldn't read the menu, born out of the many interesting. companion simply down to the kitchen, with a real signal required dishes. a tomato on eggs, made with cooking action, means to tomato scrambled eggs. However, a long time, served a hot cooked tomato and two shell synthesis of boiled eggs a dish that we banned satirical difficult.

Tours abroad, the language of the biggest obstacles in traffic, meals a la carte. accommodation by map, pointing inquiries, shopping can be a bargain. meals calculator, different, often don't know that the road is unknown.

Three and a half hour bike tour, back to leisure hotel siesta. Seventeen complex to the lake view sunset. visitors many more people, India, where the fees under, more Siwa natural quiet, esoteric.

Walk down the street and found a family restaurant-Yi Xiang GE. Finally ate the Chrysanthemum fish in tomato sauce-shelled, Cook is a young boy, Nepal on his Beijing girlfriend, joy dew to words, smugness.

26 May revel in the Warriors

Bike tour along the northern shore of yesterday, today, the boat tour on the South, from the observation deck Terminal hire boat across Lake clear, air-cool, wetted. excellent ..... hairlines to abandon ship under. baitashan top, mountains high 250 meters, narrow mountain road, hillside forest density, seem to climb the mountain slope of the famine, a small mountain tourists en, till we have left is the right way.

A pagoda of the mountain, Lake everywhere is expected to be located in the it world peace Abbey, renovated recently, not yet allowed to visit, but see the Lighthouse is a Buddha Shrine on writing Chinese characters, was wrong.

From the top of a hill on the north shore of Mulberry ran Kut (Sarangkot) mountains, behind a row of xuefeng. because clouds thick hard to see a real, just feel that's several very majestic snow-capped peaks of the famous fish tail. should there. If in Mulberry ran Kurt mountains, you can see it clearly, but bad weather is hard to say.

There is a rumbling over the Lakes machine, look to helicopters circling. This is a special tourism, sightseeing in the Himalayan mountains soar by air, it is said that the price is not cheap at around $ 100 is not prohibitive. I got yesterday, also-see paragliding from altitude 1400 meters of Mulberry ran Kurt mountain, slowly falling to the Lake, I have difficulty, such as age try.

Hiking past mountain walk down the Hill when dark when Ming-beaten fork road-we've got a lot of villages along the ancient village of ancient surviving, lack of maintenance. village boy see visitors track winding, we hope you will give him the photography, good for the money.

Next to the highway, take a bus to ha'afeva Lake downstream. here from the Temple of the small island south of Tal.Barahi, Lake narrow into the River, the scenery is very, very beautiful tree-lined East market-the Bank of the stone steps Wharf tour-boats for hire, stone stacked high on the bench, stone Pavilion, Pavilion overlooking the West side of the mountain, the forest tumbling, green as it seems fit, infiltration to the River, the river against the more it seems calm river green., quiet like a magic mirror, spellbinding. Chen, Robert II fellow travelers who have been lingering long tour, water, not to leave.

Evening in the hotel roof terrace, cooked food for lunch, enjoy sunset, colorful and unique colours of empty, beautiful lakes and mountains, the cozy and charming.

May 27 yiyixibie bokhara

Three days, today's early morning, the weather is better. North of fishtail peak (Fishtailpeak) beautiful angle peak exposure, but unfortunately the moment was fog cloud cover, late for the camera.

When the taxi transfer us to bokhara coach station, going back to Kathmandu, the car was in front of snow peak stunned: fishtail peak high snow-capped mountains on both sides of the stalwart incomparable, a ridge of a stack of white walls long stretches, it stretches over the steep cliff that I have never seen a photo of., and was quickly cloud secretive. really don't want to get ideas, tracking to see a clear but has bought the ticket, refund last night is also not easy, not decisive, if often regret!

In the Tibetan plateau in the Himalayas, due to differences in the terrain is relatively small, does not seem very impressive but the Himalayas to the South, precipitous, watching from Nepal to see towering majestic nature.

The way the term has boccara, along the parting to high-speed road when Pri---thvi toward Southeast rows. Himalaya of low mountains, mainly in metamorphic rocks, especially forced squeeze silk MICA rocks into the hillside zone woodlands., did not reclaim. Valley area of farmland cultivation of rice and maize in chlorophyll a. rice delicate light transparent. Mountain cottages and mountain areas of southern China countryside rather, centralized supply of water is a feature.

When the car to go through the Trisuli Valley climbing over 1550 m mountains, in the heart of the highway in the gentle mountains and circling between the slope on the development of loess soil-vegetation near Kathmandu Valley, is a measure of destruction, the concentrations of population may be relevant.

10 half past four in the suburbs will soon have just entered, congestion. Kiki stop rub

A section of the road, a large number of freight cars, passenger cars-on the road, the legend is city traffic control, you need to release when 17-last resort can only be shouldered, with people walking into the city to Tommy full weight bearing-out four kilometers from Xanadu seems suddenly! arrived complex boring world.

However, this walk has a good, again passing Durr, square, saw a enough.

28 may go to the distant view of the Himalayan mountains gallcott

The gallcott (Nagrkot) is the best ornamental Himalayas attractions. 32 km northeast from the capital city-there is no direct shuttle bus service to the first travel-Bhakta slope (Bhaktapur), there's to it's originating gallcott. when we arrived at the Bhakta slope, to car driver not just pointing to where we are, but rather by bus takes us to the departure station, also made arrangements to peer-how can we not have moved! again experience the simple kind of Nepal.

Continue to the East by car, coming out of the Kathmandu Valley, hovering low mountain road is not wide-are flat or down the road, was more passengers, freely chosen by car or on the roof is the most hard-conductor, no stationary car, running up and down, passenger boarding and alighting whistle for the hearing, to get visitors to receive money-so is a young man, and did not see women's crew. (

Taxi nor woman driver)

About three hours to reach the destinations that gallcott town. we get off along the mountains to the East, to walk on mountain Tsui, looking for a hotel-a good hotel, $ 1000, $ 2000 by locals night., find a guide to Nepal's newly opened by Besso hotel, very beautiful. several small villa-style building, a spacious restaurant and standard rooms, terrace are facing Himalayas, vision designed specifically to-viewing room. Windows is a monolithic walls of big glass. sleeping on the bed to see the Sunrise, the price per person per night is only 280!

In the afternoon, the mist and the vast, see Himalayan peaks. it is said that the good weather to saw five seat 8 km above xuefeng. hopefully tomorrow morning to some lucky.

Lunch is Nepal guest meals: Nepai Breakfast (breakfast) menu, there are two kinds of Puri and Roti, knows nothing differences, blind pointed to prevail, the results sent to the four little shehuo, a bowl of potatoes. dinner eat better, companion Chen took copies of the menu in the room, select one afternoon, are you sure you want to eat chicken fried rice, tomato soup; and tell boy (waiter) egg soup with large bowls (menu price is 150 yuan)-meal bi pay, the price of tomato soup is 150/5 = $ 750, equal to $ RMB 87. such an expensive egg soup, jiansuoweijian, unheard of for everyone-live! original, they are written on the price of only dumb people eat huanglian-now, interestingly enough, this is spent an afternoon of Kung Fu, derived as a result, satirical and funny, bitter variable music.

May 29-Hi Sunrise Himalaya

Because I was watching the Himalayan mountains in the morning, sleep last night and beat me in the morning is not practical., started up in the curtains, the sky at dawn early, immediately to the balcony watching the Northeast direction-wulao mountains, in the blue sky line growth long cord. 100 km apart, at least, the ridge of fluctuation was razed in both, but the South-eastern end, Everest's outline high prominent, deeply the roof of the world the image of the word relevance.

Today in the same field of vision in all of a sudden see 100 km off the roof of the world, luckily with Kenya! Le Zai! Sun began to rise over the hills, backlighting, cloud rose up from the sky, but difficult to photograph a person say best viewing-season is November.

Shouldered, out of the hotel, down to the small town-catch the first bus back to Bhakta slope probably, Ghar-Cote terrain impregnability, guard the Kathmandu Valley to the northeast of the portal, there are a lot of ground in the army, to see them out of the camp's morning Maoist guerrillas. past activities in Northeastern, now with the compromise, participation in Government representative has been improving. the security.

Vehicle arrival Bhakta slope, (also known as Valle de post), played to de la Plaza (Durbar) square, this is one of the world cultural heritage-it and Kathmandu, bafatan square phase out all shining moment in the history of Nepal's Mara dynasty after the breakup, split into three independent Kingdom established Palace Temple.

Taxis stop at the famous five-story pagoda (Nyatapola) remove the head temple of the former. take turns visiting this city, the temple is located in Tabora five steps of tall base-each step ladder on either side of a statue, from bottom to top, followed by Hercules, the elephant, Lion, divine and goddess. vivid. Temple of architectural styles and the surrounding are just as many shrines and the two square buildings, although there has been, it was imbued with the five-storey tower-is the level up, the most high.

Five-storey tower, was built in the XVI century the ancient Palace and a series of Hindu temple, the same exquisite woodcarving, stone carving exquisite and architectural art.

The most spectacular ancient city is a square surrounding a variety of God housing, temples, incense constantly. There are well-preserved ancient residences, still inhabited these Manor House door, window has a very fine, elegant wood carving.

Exudes ancient civilization of the market, most modern are those that come and go dressed uniforms of the students is dressed,-each foot of wearing shoes. topography cutesie.

Lunchtime rides the bus back to Kathmandu Tommy South, we in this area has many times in and out, roads are familiar with, walk back to the Phoenix hotel.

When the Sun is inclined, then took to the streets to stroll. identify required procurement.

May 30, beautiful, lovely Nepal

In Nepal the last day of the stay, tomorrow will return the remainder of the last task-, make sure that you are purchasing some friends gifts. sent three times to the streets to buy a necklace, bracelet, pendant, silver jewelry and bundle of handicraft. Nepal's silver jewelry handicraft precision and low-cost, more than Tibet together.


Repeatedly to see the car, motorcycle roadside queues. thought is "busy", then know that it is the one by filling. fuel strained, limit the supply of energy-Nepal-mineral resources are relatively scarce arable land less than 30 000-square kilometre 80% of the country's population is agriculture, in the case of the national economy lag-world's poorest countries, but the natural ecological environment but well-kept. This probably and Nepal's feelings for.

Nepal has over 30 nationalities, generally believe in Hinduism, the human kind, simple, please, let it be. regardless of what things are slow, the pace of life away from the "Schumann. philosophy" so far-but there is also a fashion, cars, cell phones, Internet equally everywhere. Yuan-Liou Publishing long ancient cultural tradition in the fusion of the modern civilization.

Nepal's young, male and female beauty. this star is a delightful place. There appears to be a black and white two colour-black, and linked to India people, white people and menggurenzhong associated service dress, men's subject., variation many women are generally the trousers-, qipao with Sari. older youth dressed in red, green, yellow-older women often wears tube skirt, short OK, but not a sari. diet generally better than simple, standard of living is lower, the living conditions of old, children's education is valued, whether urban or rural, upper and lower school car escort service for a common language for the addition, Mandarin, almost everyone-English ...

In short, this is a very lovely, beautiful country.

The long journey is coming to an end with out alternate compression biscuits a useless. want to eat some of that waste-dinner only had a short and a cup of coffee, but it is the first time that evening with delicious. belly bulge, really top!

Stay near the family bakery, 20 points after beating folded in sales we have repeatedly to patronise. the preparation of this is the same. the road tomorrow.

5/31/farewell to Nepal

Set off at half past five in the morning, because the time difference, hope to catch up in the morning to GATT. otherwise Kuan had lunch-time to rest, the delay time.

Private departure Kathmandu eastbound, go to the old route. when crossing the second road mountain ridge, enter Saint Kossi Valley. 750 metres from the River height but into wave song after the Himalayan mountain Gorge area.

Nine smooth customs clearance, it is more than eleven Beijing time examine wave song-(River)-Strait South of Geology: Nepal is metamorphic rocks in the mountain slope of the rock formations, there clearly spectacular oblique red fault surface, North China is acidic, into the rock, the Strait is a natural line.

The country, not only the environment less confusion, out of pavement stenosis and junk vehicles stopped misplaces. very dirty from the country to the customs of the eight kilometer Hill Road, pavement low Earth seven high eight, as good or bad is in the territory of Nepal, headlights, although this section of the road-that you want to repair, at least now I visited nearly ten gates in the worst place to undermine my proud country style.

Still back to storage with luggage of Kant hotel accommodation-find good meal, tomorrow's car back to Lhasa, Toyota 4500, price when compared to 30% cheaper.

Nepal trip, a total of 11 days, at a cost of less than 900 Yuan, see a beautiful and lovely country, and companions by reading, if you have the opportunity, I can play again with his family, replenish the Himalayas to watch it.



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